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Recipe Drawings Help
The recipe tree has been drawed using three different coloured bookcases, one for each different item origin. This feature makes really easy the visual recognition of which items can be purchased, looted or crafted. Recipe Colors Summary Also, the recipe drawing can give you lots of dynamic information by just moving the cursor over the items, as you can see in the image below. Information includes trivial level, skill, origin and stats of the item... If you want to see all the details of a specific subcombine or component, just click in it.

Example of aditional dynamic info

[Standard Bow Cam] [EqTraders]
everquest icon 1097[Standard Bow Cam]
[Skill: Tinkering] [Trivial: 75] [Yield: 1]
[Quest Item] [Crafted Item] [Tradeskill]
[All Classes]

It appears at [20] zones.
It can be Bought from [24] merchants.
It can be obtained from [1] recipes.
It can be used in [107] recipes.
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Corathus Creep
[Merchant Model CGXV (M)]
Crescent Reach
[Fletcher Tahirah (M)]
East Cabilis
[Klok Gogon (M)]
Firiona Vie
[Jessica Winter (M)]
Greater Faydark
[Merchant Sylnis (M)]
Gukta, Outpost of Marr
[Zok Rurpp (M)]
Katta Castellum
[Rebecca Wolfeye (M)]
Neriak Commons
[Dianax C`Luzz (M)]
Plane of Knowledge
[Ellis Cloudchaser (M)]
Shar Vahl
[Hokar (M)]
South Karana
[Ulan Meadowgreen (M)]
Steamfont Mountains
[a clockwork bowyer (M)]
Surefall Glade
[Tonsia (M)]
The Feerrott
[Fugla (M)]
[Argash (M)]
[Dorgmug (M)]
West Freeport
[Timor Strongbranch (M)]
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
Fletching [Trivial:156]
Blessed Faydark Stinger
Fletching [Trivial:156]
Blessed Gale Compound Bow
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Carved Oak 1-Cam Bow (48/17)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Carved Oak 1-Cam Bow (52/18)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Carved Oak 1-Cam Bow (52/19)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Carved Oak 1-Cam Bow (56/19)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Rough Oak 1-cam Bow (52/18)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Rough Oak 1-cam Bow (56/19)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Rough oak 1-cam bow (56/20)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Rough Oak 1-cam Bow (60/20)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Shaped Oak 1-Cam Bow (43/16)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Shaped Oak 1-Cam Bow (47/17)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Shaped oak 1-cam bow (47/18)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Shaped Oak 1-Cam Bow (51/18)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Carved Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (49/19)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Carved Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (49/20)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Carved Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (53/20)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Carved Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (57/21)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Rough Sedgewood 1-cam Bow (53/20)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Rough Sedgewood 1-cam Bow (57/21)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Rough Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (57/22)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Rough Sedgewood 1-cam Bow (61/22)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Shaped Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (41/18)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Shaped Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (45/18)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Shaped Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (49/19)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Shaped Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (53/20)
Fletching [Trivial:206]
Blessed Faydark Swiftbolt
Fletching [Trivial:206]
Blessed Squall Compound Bow
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Carved Darkwood 1-Cam Bow (51/21)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Carved Darkwood 1-Cam Bow (55/22)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Carved Darkwood 1-Cam Bow (55/23)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Carved Darkwood 1-Cam Bow (59/23)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Darkwood 1-cam Bow (55/22)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Darkwood 1-cam Bow (59/23)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Darkwood 1-cam bow (59/24)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Darkwood 1-cam Bow (63/24)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Sedgewood Compound Bow (44/19)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Sedgewood Compound Bow (48/19)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Sedgewood Compound Bow (52/20)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Sedgewood Compound Bow (56/21)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Shaped Darkwood 1-cam Bow (46/20)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Shaped Darkwood 1-cam Bow (50/21)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Shaped darkwood 1-cam bow (50/22)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Shaped Darkwood 1-cam Bow (54/22)
Fletching [Trivial:228]
Blessed Faydark Cloudburster
Fletching [Trivial:228]
Blessed Hurricane Compound Bow
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Carved Darkwood Compound Bow (46/20)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Carved Darkwood Compound Bow (50/21)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Carved Darkwood Compound Bow (50/22)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Carved Darkwood Compound Bow (54/22)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Rough Darkwood Compound Bow (50/21)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Rough Darkwood Compound Bow (54/22)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Rough Darkwood Compound Bow (54/23)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Rough Darkwood Compound Bow (58/23)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Shaped Darkwood Compound Bow (41/19)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Shaped Darkwood Compound Bow (45/20)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Shaped Darkwood Compound Bow (45/21)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Shaped Darkwood Compound Bow (49/21)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Carved Shadewood 1-Cam Bow (49/23)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Carved Shadewood 1-Cam Bow (53/24)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Carved Shadewood 1-Cam Bow (53/25)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Carved Shadewood 1-Cam Bow (57/25)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Rough Shadewood 1-cam Bow (53/24)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Rough Shadewood 1-cam Bow (57/25)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Rough Shadewood 1-cam Bow (57/26)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Rough Shadewood 1-cam Bow (61/26)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Rough Shadewood Compound Bow (52/25)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Shaped Shadewood 1-cam Bow (44/22)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Shaped Shadewood 1-cam Bow (48/23)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Shaped Shadewood 1-cam Bow (48/24)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Shaped Shadewood 1-cam Bow (52/24)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Carved Bazu Bone 1-Cam Bow (43/26)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Carved Bazu Bone 1-Cam Bow (47/26)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Carved Bazu Bone 1-Cam Bow (51/27)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Carved Bazu Bone 1-Cam Bow (55/28)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Rough Bazu Bone 1-cam Bow (47/27)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Rough Shadewood Compound Bow (48/23)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Rough Shadewood Compound Bow (52/24)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Rough Shadewood Compound Bow (56/25)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Shaped Bazu Bone 1-Cam Bow (38/25)
Fletching [Trivial:335]
Blessed Faydark Thunderbolt
Fletching [Trivial:335]
Eternal Tempest Compound Bow
Recipe of Standard Bow Cam Recipe of Grease Recipe of Gears Recipe of Gnomish Bolts

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