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Standard Bow Cam [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Crafted Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 1097
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Corathus Creep
[Merchant Model CGXV (M)]
Crescent Reach
[Fletcher Tahirah (M)]
East Cabilis
[Klok Gogon (M)]
Firiona Vie
[Jessica Winter (M)]
Greater Faydark
[Merchant Sylnis (M)]
Gukta, Outpost of Marr
[Zok Rurpp (M)]
Katta Castellum
[Rebecca Wolfeye (M)]
Neriak Commons
[Dianax C`Luzz (M)]
Plane of Knowledge
[Ellis Cloudchaser (M)]
Shar Vahl
[Hokar (M)]
South Karana
[Ulan Meadowgreen (M)]
Steamfont Mountains
[a clockwork bowyer (M)]
Surefall Glade
[Tonsia (M)]
The Feerrott
[Fugla (M)]
[Argash (M)]
[Dorgmug (M)]
West Freeport
[Timor Strongbranch (M)]
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
Fletching [Trivial:156]
Blessed Faydark Stinger
Fletching [Trivial:156]
Blessed Gale Compound Bow
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Carved Oak 1-Cam Bow (48/17)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Carved Oak 1-Cam Bow (52/18)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Carved Oak 1-Cam Bow (52/19)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Carved Oak 1-Cam Bow (56/19)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Rough Oak 1-cam Bow (52/18)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Rough Oak 1-cam Bow (56/19)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Rough oak 1-cam bow (56/20)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Rough Oak 1-cam Bow (60/20)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Shaped Oak 1-Cam Bow (43/16)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Shaped Oak 1-Cam Bow (47/17)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Shaped oak 1-cam bow (47/18)
Fletching [Trivial:195]
Shaped Oak 1-Cam Bow (51/18)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Carved Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (49/19)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Carved Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (49/20)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Carved Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (53/20)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Carved Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (57/21)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Rough Sedgewood 1-cam Bow (53/20)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Rough Sedgewood 1-cam Bow (57/21)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Rough Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (57/22)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Rough Sedgewood 1-cam Bow (61/22)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Shaped Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (41/18)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Shaped Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (45/18)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Shaped Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (49/19)
Fletching [Trivial:202]
Shaped Sedgewood 1-Cam Bow (53/20)
Fletching [Trivial:206]
Blessed Faydark Swiftbolt
Fletching [Trivial:206]
Blessed Squall Compound Bow
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Carved Darkwood 1-Cam Bow (51/21)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Carved Darkwood 1-Cam Bow (55/22)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Carved Darkwood 1-Cam Bow (55/23)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Carved Darkwood 1-Cam Bow (59/23)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Darkwood 1-cam Bow (55/22)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Darkwood 1-cam Bow (59/23)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Darkwood 1-cam bow (59/24)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Darkwood 1-cam Bow (63/24)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Sedgewood Compound Bow (44/19)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Sedgewood Compound Bow (48/19)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Sedgewood Compound Bow (52/20)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Rough Sedgewood Compound Bow (56/21)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Shaped Darkwood 1-cam Bow (46/20)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Shaped Darkwood 1-cam Bow (50/21)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Shaped darkwood 1-cam bow (50/22)
Fletching [Trivial:215]
Shaped Darkwood 1-cam Bow (54/22)
Fletching [Trivial:228]
Blessed Faydark Cloudburster
Fletching [Trivial:228]
Blessed Hurricane Compound Bow
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Carved Darkwood Compound Bow (46/20)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Carved Darkwood Compound Bow (50/21)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Carved Darkwood Compound Bow (50/22)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Carved Darkwood Compound Bow (54/22)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Rough Darkwood Compound Bow (50/21)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Rough Darkwood Compound Bow (54/22)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Rough Darkwood Compound Bow (54/23)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Rough Darkwood Compound Bow (58/23)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Shaped Darkwood Compound Bow (41/19)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Shaped Darkwood Compound Bow (45/20)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Shaped Darkwood Compound Bow (45/21)
Fletching [Trivial:235]
Shaped Darkwood Compound Bow (49/21)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Carved Shadewood 1-Cam Bow (49/23)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Carved Shadewood 1-Cam Bow (53/24)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Carved Shadewood 1-Cam Bow (53/25)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Carved Shadewood 1-Cam Bow (57/25)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Rough Shadewood 1-cam Bow (53/24)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Rough Shadewood 1-cam Bow (57/25)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Rough Shadewood 1-cam Bow (57/26)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Rough Shadewood 1-cam Bow (61/26)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Rough Shadewood Compound Bow (52/25)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Shaped Shadewood 1-cam Bow (44/22)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Shaped Shadewood 1-cam Bow (48/23)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Shaped Shadewood 1-cam Bow (48/24)
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Shaped Shadewood 1-cam Bow (52/24)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Carved Bazu Bone 1-Cam Bow (43/26)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Carved Bazu Bone 1-Cam Bow (47/26)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Carved Bazu Bone 1-Cam Bow (51/27)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Carved Bazu Bone 1-Cam Bow (55/28)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Rough Bazu Bone 1-cam Bow (47/27)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Rough Shadewood Compound Bow (48/23)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Rough Shadewood Compound Bow (52/24)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Rough Shadewood Compound Bow (56/25)
Fletching [Trivial:282]
Shaped Bazu Bone 1-Cam Bow (38/25)
Fletching [Trivial:335]
Blessed Faydark Thunderbolt
Fletching [Trivial:335]
Eternal Tempest Compound Bow

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