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Recipe Drawings Help
The recipe tree has been drawed using three different coloured bookcases, one for each different item origin. This feature makes really easy the visual recognition of which items can be purchased, looted or crafted. Recipe Colors Summary Also, the recipe drawing can give you lots of dynamic information by just moving the cursor over the items, as you can see in the image below. Information includes trivial level, skill, origin and stats of the item... If you want to see all the details of a specific subcombine or component, just click in it.

Example of aditional dynamic info

[Essence of Alaris] [EqTraders]
everquest icon 1015[Essence of Alaris]
[Skill: Pottery] [Trivial: 456] [Yield: 1]
[Quest Item] [Augmentation] [Attuneable] [Tradeskill]
[All Classes]

[Recommended Level: 95] [Required Level: 91]
[Augment Slots: 17] [Use Distiller Class: XVIII]
It appears at [13] zones.
Can be looted from [777] mobs.
It can be obtained from [1] recipes.
It can be used in [42] recipes.
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Argath: Illdaera's Vengeance
[Avatar of Steel (N)]
Beasts' Domain
[a binaesa (N)]
[a bloodthirsty wyvern (N)]
[a braxi (N)]
[a braxi fungus seeker (N)]
[a braxi herbivore (N)]
[a braxi junglerunner (N)]
[a braxi leafleaper (N)]
[a braxi swiftrunner (N)]
[a colossal crocodile (N)]
[a domain hunter (N)]
[a ferocious goral (N)]
[a fierce wyvern (N)]
[a filthy ape (N)]
[a giant binaesa (N)]
[a goral hunter (N)]
[a goral leafstalker (N)]
[a goral predator (N)]
[a goral scavenger (N)]
[a goral striker (N)]
[a grendlaen (N)]
[a grendlaen pouncer (N)]
[a grendlaen scent tracker (N)]
[a hungry raptor (N)]
[a lashtail crocodile (N)]
[a loathsome ape (N)]
[a monstrous wyvern (N)]
[a naeya scavenger (N)]
[a pensive prowler (N)]
[a primeval crocodile (N)]
[a prowler (N)]
[a raging wyvern (N)]
[a rampaging wyvern (N)]
[a ravenous wyvern (N)]
[a ripclaw raptor (N)]
[a selyrah forestwalker (N)]
[a selyrah leaper (N)]
[a selyrah logleaper (N)]
[a selyrah scavenger (N)]
[a selyrah stalker (N)]
[a selyrah treejumper (N)]
[a sick braxi (N)]
[a slithering binaesa (N)]
[a stealthy grendlaen (N)]
[a tainted ape (N)]
[a terrible raptor (N)]
[a vicious wyvern (N)]
[a voracious raptor (N)]
[a wyvern deathstalker (N)]
[a wyvern preystalker (N)]
[a wyvern scent tracker (N)]
[an aggressive prowler (N)]
[an ancient izon (N)]
[an empowered ape (N)]
[an empowered binaesa (N)]
[an empowered crocodile (N)]
[an empowered goral (N)]
[an empowered grendlaen (N)]
[an empowered izon (N)]
[an empowered raptor (N)]
[an empowered wyvern (N)]
[an izon (N)]
[an izon rootgrabber (N)]
[an okiina vinethrasher (N)]
[great dark ape (N)]
[Jorth Hunter of Beasts (N)]
[King of the Gorals (N)]
Erillion, City of Bronze
[a blacksmith (N)]
[a bloodthirsty carnifex (N)]
[a bored potter (N)]
[a bureaucrat (N)]
[a busy cook (N)]
[a busy papyrus maker (N)]
[a carnifex (N)]
[a citizen (N)]
[a cook (N)]
[a cruel carnifex (N)]
[a detailed record keeper (N)]
[a diligent potter (N)]
[a diseased oashim (N)]
[a dour bureaucrat (N)]
[a dull record keeper (N)]
[a dutiful guard (N)]
[a faithful citizen (N)]
[a feral grendlaen (N)]
[a forlorn prisoner (N)]
[a government official (N)]
[a guard (N)]
[a magistrate (N)]
[a merchant (N)]
[a miserly government official (N)]
[a mundane office worker (N)]
[a potter (N)]
[a prisoner (N)]
[a prudent merchant (N)]
[a record keeper (N)]
[a resolute bureaucrat (N)]
[a ruthless archon (N)]
[a shrewd merchant (N)]
[a solemn guard (N)]
[a strangleweed (N)]
[a tired cook (N)]
[a tired papyrus maker (N)]
[a wild braxi (N)]
[a wild selyrah (N)]
[a woeful prisoner (N)]
[an apprentice blacksmith (N)]
[an archon (N)]
[an enthusiastic papyrus maker (N)]
[an honest citizen (N)]
[an imposing archon (N)]
[an industrious blacksmith (N)]
[an insipid government official (N)]
[an irritated office worker (N)]
[an office worker (N)]
Pillars of Alra
[a blistering shade (N)]
[a brightshell s`ripla (N)]
[a brilliant coalescence of light (N)]
[a burning shadow (N)]
[a coalescence of light (N)]
[a constructor acolyte (N)]
[a constructor apprentice (N)]
[a constructor host (N)]
[a constructor keeper (Light) (N)]
[a constructor neophyte (N)]
[a contemplative verdantguardian (N)]
[a dark essencegazer (N)]
[a dark horror (N)]
[a darkshell s`ripla (N)]
[a firmshell s`ripla (N)]
[a focused attendant (N)]
[a focused lightgazer (N)]
[a focused lightward (N)]
[a focused sorcerer (N)]
[a focused ward (N)]
[a goral lakrian (N)]
[a goral ohritak (N)]
[a goral sariak (N)]
[a greater blistering shade (N)]
[a greater life-essence (N)]
[a greater manaward (N)]
[a hall ward (N)]
[a hardshell s`ripla (N)]
[a lesser animation of earth (N)]
[a lesser essence of nature (N)]
[a life harvester (N)]
[a life infuser (N)]
[a life purifier (N)]
[a lifetender (N)]
[a light convertor (N)]
[a light harvester (N)]
[a light infuser (N)]
[a light purifier (N)]
[a lighttender (N)]
[a lightward captain (N)]
[a lightward guardian (N)]
[a lightward novice (N)]
[a lightward sentinel (N)]
[a lightward squire (N)]
[a lightward trainee (N)]
[a lightward zealot (N)]
[a lightwarder (N)]
[a luminous sprite (N)]
[a mana convertor (N)]
[a mana harvester (N)]
[a mana infuser (N)]
[a mana purifier (N)]
[a mana sprite (N)]
[a manatender (N)]
[a natureward acolyte (N)]
[a natureward apprentice (N)]
[a natureward host (N)]
[a natureward initiate (N)]
[a natureward keeper (N)]
[a natureward meditator (N)]
[a natureward seeker (N)]
[a nightwell s`ripla (N)]
[a pensive lightgazer (N)]
[a pensive onlooker (N)]
[a pensive scholar (Arcane) (N)]
[a pensive shadowcaster (N)]
[a penumbral priest (N)]
[a pure coalescence of light (N)]
[a purist essencegazer (N)]
[a quiet cataloger (Light) (N)]
[a quiet hopper (N)]
[a quiet naturetender (N)]
[a scholar of Anriella (N)]
[a scholar of Erion (N)]
[a scholar of Fal`Kaa (N)]
[a scholar of Melretia (N)]
[a seasoned channeller (N)]
[a seasoned lightward (N)]
[a selyrah cliffstalker (N)]
[a selyrah cliffwalker (N)]
[a selyrah plainsfeeder (N)]
[a selyrah plainstrider (N)]
[a shade convertor (N)]
[a shade infuser (N)]
[a shaded flame (N)]
[a shaded horror (N)]
[a shadeweaver acolyte (N)]
[a shadeweaver apprentice (N)]
[a shadeweaver initiate (N)]
[a shadeweaver keeper (N)]
[a shadeweaver neophyte (N)]
[a shadow harvester (N)]
[a shadow purifier (N)]
[a shadow sprite (N)]
[a shadowtender (N)]
[a shadowward (N)]
[a shadowward captain (N)]
[a shadowward guardian (N)]
[a shadowward sentinel (N)]
[a shadowward squire (N)]
[a shadowward trainee (N)]
[a shadowward veteran (N)]
[a silent bookkeeper (Arcane) (N)]
[a silent shadowcaster (N)]
[a spirited conjuror (N)]
[a spirited essence (N)]
[a spirited focuser (N)]
[a spirited lightward (N)]
[a spirited verdantguardian (N)]
[a stoic lightgazer (N)]
[a stoic patron (N)]
[a stoic shadowcaster (N)]
[a stoic ward (N)]
[a stoneflesh toad (N)]
[a stoneskin hopper (N)]
[a student of Anriella (N)]
[a student of Erion (N)]
[a student of Fal`Kaa (N)]
[a student of Melretia (N)]
[a s`ripla hatchling (N)]
[a verdant animator (N)]
[a verdant earthshaper (N)]
[a verdant earthtender (N)]
[a verdant naturestrider (N)]
[a verdant naturewalker (N)]
[a verdant sprite (N)]
[a verdantguard captain (N)]
[a verdantguard initiate (N)]
[a verdantguard novice (N)]
[a verdantguard reflector (N)]
[a verdantguard squire (N)]
[a verdantguard veteran (N)]
[a verdantguard ward (N)]
[a verdantguard warden (N)]
[a verdantguardian (N)]
[a voracious cauldronstalker (N)]
[a vyrlak bloodfin (N)]
[a vyrlak fry (N)]
[a vyrlak spawnling (N)]
[a ward of the arcane (N)]
[a warm glow (N)]
[a zealous augur (N)]
[a zealous lightshaper (N)]
[an amalgamation of earth (N)]
[an animate guardian (N)]
[an animate shrub (N)]
[an animate ward (N)]
[an animated life-essence (N)]
[an animated manaward (N)]
[an animated shadow (N)]
[an antumbral priest (N)]
[an arcane essencegazer (N)]
[an arcane guardian (N)]
[an arcane interceptor (N)]
[an arcane ward (N)]
[an arcward captain (N)]
[an arcward guardian (N)]
[an arcward sentinel (N)]
[an arcward squire (N)]
[an arcward trainee (N)]
[an arcward veteran (N)]
[an arcwarder (N)]
[an ardent scholar (Nature) (N)]
[an attendant of Anriella (N)]
[an attendant of Erion (N)]
[an attendant of Fal`Kaa (N)]
[an attendant of Melretia (N)]
[an attendant of purity (N)]
[an augmented zealot (N)]
[an ayrlak fry (N)]
[an ayrlak spawnling (N)]
[an elder vyrlak (N)]
[an empowered guardian (N)]
[an empowered hopper (N)]
[an empowered horror (N)]
[an empowered manipulator (N)]
[an empowered shadowweaver (N)]
[an enthralled lightgazer (N)]
[an enthralled shadowcaster (N)]
[an enthralled spectator (N)]
[an essence convertor (N)]
[an essence director (Light) (N)]
[an essence extractor (Shadow) (N)]
[an essence keeper (Arcane) (N)]
[an essence lifegazer (N)]
[an essence lifeshaper (N)]
[an essence lifeward (N)]
[an essence lifeweaver (N)]
[an essence lightshaper (N)]
[an essence lightward (N)]
[an essence lightweaver (N)]
[an essence manashaper (N)]
[an essence manaward (N)]
[an essence manaweaver (N)]
[an essence of pure light (N)]
[an essence of pure mana (N)]
[an essence of pure shadow (N)]
[an essence purifier (Light) (N)]
[an essence shadowshaper (N)]
[an essence shadowward (N)]
[an essence shadowweaver (N)]
[an essence surveyor (Nature) (N)]
[an experienced focuser (N)]
[an experienced lightshaper (N)]
[an illuminary ward (N)]
[an illuminator acolyte (N)]
[an illuminator apprentice (N)]
[an illuminator initiate (N)]
[an illuminator neophyte (N)]
[an infused guardian (N)]
[an infused hopper (N)]
[an infused horror (N)]
[an infused okiina (N)]
[an innocuous hopper (N)]
[an introspective student (Shadow) (N)]
[an okiina lifewalker (N)]
[an okiina mossbranch (N)]
[an okiina mossroot (N)]
[an okiina rotlier (N)]
[an oreskin toad (N)]
[an umbral priest (N)]
[an ut`len flaremind (N)]
[an ut`len hunter (N)]
[an ut`len mindbreaker (N)]
[Korellister the Stoic (N)]
Resplendent Temple
[a blob of filth (N)]
[a colorful selyrah (N)]
[a diseased braxi (N)]
[a diseased goral (N)]
[a diseased hopper (N)]
[a diseased rat (N)]
[a diseased selyrah (N)]
[a filthy swinetor (N)]
[a grazing braxi (N)]
[a groundskeeper (N)]
[a grove braxi (N)]
[a grove goral (N)]
[a grove hopper (N)]
[a grove selyrah (N)]
[a grove serpent (N)]
[a hostile goral (N)]
[a mosquito (N)]
[a Nitore advisor (N)]
[a Nitore apprentice (N)]
[a Nitore cleanser (N)]
[a Nitore elder (N)]
[a Nitore enforcer (N)]
[a Nitore guard (N)]
[a Nitore idealist (N)]
[a Nitore initiate (N)]
[a Nitore liaison (N)]
[a Nitore mender (N)]
[a Nitore neophyte (N)]
[a Nitore peacekeeper (N)]
[a Nitore priest (N)]
[a Nitore prober (N)]
[a Nitore purger (N)]
[a Nitore savant (N)]
[a Nitore sorcerer (N)]
[a Nitore watcher (N)]
[a Piq`a deadraiser (N)]
[a Piq`a diabolist (N)]
[a Piq`a noble (N)]
[a Piq`a soothsayer (N)]
[a prisoner (N)]
[a purified essence (N)]
[a putrid swinetor (N)]
[a rat (N)]
[a roaming swinetor (N)]
[a rotting corpse (N)]
[a sloth cube (N)]
[a soiled essence (N)]
[a stray goral (N)]
[a swinetor summoner (N)]
[a swinetor youth (N)]
[a tame goral (N)]
[a temple servant (N)]
[an albino serpent (N)]
[an animated corpse (N)]
[an armed guard (N)]
[An Ivory Serpent (N)]
[an Ulork diviner (N)]
[an Ulork noble (N)]
[an Ulork occultist (N)]
[an Ulork vicar (N)]
Sarith, City of Tides
[a great white shark (N)]
[a grizzled war beast (N)]
[a hammerhead shark (N)]
[a hostage taker (N)]
[a king crab (N)]
[a large sea turtle (N)]
[a large squid (N)]
[a salt-water piranha (N)]
[a Sarith guardsman (N)]
[a Sarith guardsman veteran (N)]
[a Sarith tidal guardian (N)]
[a Sarith tidalmage (N)]
[a Sarith tidalmage master (N)]
[a Sarith tide priest (N)]
[a war beast (goral) (N)]
[a war beast (selyrah) (N)]
[an Orator`s army archmage (N)]
[an Orator`s Army assassin (N)]
[an Orator`s army battlemage (N)]
[an Orator`s Army beast master (N)]
[an Orator`s army beast trainer (N)]
[an Orator`s army bishop (N)]
[an Orator`s army commander (N)]
[an Orator`s army conscript (N)]
[an Orator`s army dark mage (N)]
[an Orator`s Army death knight (N)]
[an Orator`s army lieutenant (N)]
[an Orator`s Army life knight (N)]
[an Orator`s Army nature mage (N)]
[an Orator`s Army primal mage (N)]
[an Orator`s Army ranger (N)]
[an Orator`s army scout (N)]
[an Orator`s army soldier (N)]
[an Orator`s army strategist (N)]
[an Orator`s army warpriest (N)]
[an Oseka`s Chosen defender (N)]
[an Oseka`s Chosen guardian (N)]
[Captain Dahlena (N)]
Sepulcher East
[a beast (N)]
[a beastling (N)]
[a blade overseer of alsa thelara (N)]
[a bladeguide of alsa thelara (N)]
[a bloody ape (N)]
[a breathing orchestration (N)]
[a burrowing goral (N)]
[a caretaker of Lunanyn (N)]
[a cave selyrah (N)]
[a champion of Kolos (N)]
[a clot of light (N)]
[a composted heap (N)]
[a conqueror of Kolos (N)]
[a crystallization of light (N)]
[a dark magic caster (N)]
[a dark magic wielder (N)]
[a defender of Kolos (N)]
[a didact of Ryken (N)]
[a dirty ape (N)]
[a farmer of Lunanyn (N)]
[a fighting beast (N)]
[a forgotten spirit (N)]
[a furrier of Kolos (N)]
[a gale of truth (N)]
[a grasping heap (N)]
[a groundswell of nature (N)]
[a gust of sophistry (N)]
[a hunter of Kolos (N)]
[a hurricane of truth (N)]
[a light magic caster (N)]
[a light magic wielder (N)]
[a living dialogue (N)]
[a lurching izon (N)]
[a lustrous serpent (N)]
[a nature magic caster (N)]
[a nature magic wielder (N)]
[a philosopher of Ryken (N)]
[a raging beast (N)]
[a serpent (N)]
[a shade of darkness (N)]
[a shadow of darkness (N)]
[a shambling izon (N)]
[a snarling beast (N)]
[a sophist of Ryken (N)]
[a squirming heap (N)]
[a subterranean goral (N)]
[a subterranean selyrah (N)]
[a tattered pile (N)]
[a tender of Lunanyn (N)]
[a thelasa of fertility (N)]
[a tracker of Kolos (N)]
[a trapper of Kolos (N)]
[a warden of Lunanyn (N)]
[a whirlwind of sophistry (N)]
[a wizened thelasa (N)]
[an academic of Ryken (N)]
[an arcane denizen (N)]
[an arcane magic caster (N)]
[an arcane magic wielder (N)]
[an archon of alsa thelara (N)]
[an embodiment of arcanum (N)]
[light magic caster (N)]
[light magic wielder (N)]
Sepulcher of Order
[a beacon of light (N)]
[a bead of light (N)]
[a blade mentor of alsa thelara (N)]
[a blade overseer of alsa thelara (N)]
[a bladed ereth of order (N)]
[a bladeguide of alsa thelara (N)]
[a blind scavenger (N)]
[a boastful tricrystal (N)]
[a body of darkness (N)]
[a bone amalgamation (N)]
[a bone mass (N)]
[a brooding selyrah (N)]
[a brutalizer of alsa thelara (N)]
[a calcified ser thal (N)]
[a carnifex of alsa thelara (N)]
[a carnivorous prowler (N)]
[a carrier of arcanum (N)]
[a commanding wind (N)]
[a crystalline healer (N)]
[a deceased thelasa (N)]
[a defender of alsa thel (N)]
[a dense mound (N)]
[a denuded ser thal (N)]
[a departed thelasa (N)]
[a disfigured thelasa ser (N)]
[a disgusting soul (N)]
[a disintegrating ser alsa thel (N)]
[a fertile mound (N)]
[a fleshless ser thal (N)]
[a flow of alsa thel (N)]
[a forgotten spirit (N)]
[a fortified tideshell (N)]
[a gale liege (N)]
[a gale servant (N)]
[a gleaming stonewalker (N)]
[a greensward walker (N)]
[a greensward webstitcher (N)]
[a guardian of alsa thel (N)]
[a hardened tideshell (N)]
[a loamy pile (N)]
[a luminous stonewalker (N)]
[a moss jumble (N)]
[a mutated thel imbiber (N)]
[a nesting goral (N)]
[a penitent of Beloth (N)]
[a petrified ser thal (N)]
[a plated tideshell (N)]
[a pool of alsa thel (N)]
[a protector of alsa thel (N)]
[a proud tricrystal (N)]
[a ravenous raptor (N)]
[a resplendent soul (N)]
[a revenant of thelasa (N)]
[a revolting nightmare (N)]
[a rotflesh seeker (N)]
[a savage raptor (N)]
[a scavenging brute (N)]
[a sea funnel (N)]
[a ser alsa (N)]
[a shouting element (N)]
[a shroud of thelasa (N)]
[a soul of darkness (N)]
[a soul of nature (N)]
[a spirit of nature (N)]
[a starving raptor (N)]
[a steel droplet (N)]
[a steel hurricane (N)]
[a steel mass (N)]
[a steel tornado (N)]
[a sub archon of alsa thelara (N)]
[a sublime tricrystal (N)]
[a swirling voice (N)]
[a tarnished soul (N)]
[a territorial goral (N)]
[a thel eel (N)]
[a thelara alsa ril of Alra (N)]
[a tide creeper (N)]
[a tide drain (N)]
[a tide drifter (N)]
[a torturer of alsa thelara (N)]
[a transcendent adherent (N)]
[a transfigured thel imbiber (N)]
[a veil of thelasa (N)]
[a vessel of arcanum (N)]
[a vicious raptor (N)]
[a visage of darkness (N)]
[a vociferous element (N)]
[a whirlwind of steel (N)]
[a wind servant (N)]
[a wizened thelasa (N)]
[a zephyr of steel (N)]
[Alra ser alsa (N)]
[an Alra ser alsa (N)]
[an alsa construct (N)]
[an alsa thel embodiment (N)]
[an alsa thel selyrah (N)]
[an alsa thelara initiate (N)]
[an alsa thelara worker (N)]
[an apparition of thelasa (N)]
[an arable mound (N)]
[an arbiter ereth of order (N)]
[an archon of alsa thelara (N)]
[an armipotent ser alsa thel (N)]
[an armored tideshell (N)]
[an ascended ser alsa thel (N)]
[an aspect of darkness (N)]
[an engorged ser alsa thel (N)]
[an enraptured ser alsa thel (N)]
[an ereth of Alra (N)]
[an ereth of law (N)]
[an ereth of order (N)]
[an herbivorous prowler (N)]
[an imbued ser alsa thel (N)]
[an infant eel (N)]
[an infused alsa construct (N)]
[an overgrown mound (N)]
[blades of anger (N)]
[carnifex of alsa thelara (N)]
[Clampgrit (N)]
[ereth of Alra (N)]
[living blades (N)]
[Spernal (N)]
[thelara alsa ril of Alra (N)]
Sepulcher West
[a beast of steel (N)]
[a blade overseer of alsa thelara (N)]
[a bladeguide of alsa thelara (N)]
[a bone assembly (N)]
[a bone bruiser (N)]
[a cave great white (N)]
[a cave hammerhead (N)]
[a consumer of death (N)]
[a filth eater (N)]
[a forgotten spirit (N)]
[a fouled warrior (N)]
[a giant of steel (N)]
[a high thelasa of Ladrys (N)]
[a high thelasa of Oseka (N)]
[a lost initiate (N)]
[a myrmidon of Oseka (N)]
[a noviate of Ladrys (N)]
[a risen ser alsa (N)]
[a ser alsa deceased (N)]
[a ser alsa hadal (N)]
[a ser alsa thel hadal (N)]
[a servitor of the depths (N)]
[a shard of Illdaera (N)]
[a shard of purity (N)]
[a sightless turtle (N)]
[a soiled warrior (N)]
[a splash of Illdaera (N)]
[a steel breeze (N)]
[a steel torrent (N)]
[a subterranean kraken (N)]
[a subterrestrial kraken (N)]
[a sunken turtle (N)]
[a thel eel (N)]
[a thelasa of Ladrys (N)]
[a tide creeper (N)]
[a tide drifter (N)]
[a warrior of Oseka (N)]
[a wizened thelasa (N)]
[a worshipper of decay (N)]
[a worshipper of filth (N)]
[an adherent of Ladrys (N)]
[an alsa thelara champion (N)]
[an alsa thelara conqueror (N)]
[an alsa thelara legend (N)]
[an alsa thelara nonpareil (N)]
[an alsa thelara wind archer (N)]
[an alsa thelara wind tamer (N)]
[an archon of alsa thelara (N)]
[an armored tideshell (N)]
[an devotee of Ladrys (N)]
[an infant eel (N)]
[an initiate of Ladrys (N)]
[Deepblade (N)]
[ser alsa hadal (N)]
[ser alsa thel hadal (N)]
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
Brewing [Trivial:115]
Alaran Tea
Brewing [Trivial:142]
Alaran Coffee
Brewing [Trivial:142]
Alaran Juice
Brewing [Trivial:148]
Alaran Ale
Brewing [Trivial:148]
Argath Brandy
Brewing [Trivial:148]
Bronze Ale
Brewing [Trivial:148]
Sarith Rum
Brewing [Trivial:155]
Alaran Spirits
Brewing [Trivial:448]
Alaran Medicinal Tonic
Brewing [Trivial:475]
Alaran Nostrum
Fletching [Trivial:508]
Glorious Infused Recurve Bow
Jewelcraft [Trivial:108]
Alaran Metal Bar
Pottery [Trivial:102]
Alaris Infused Clay
Pottery [Trivial:311]
Soloist Ascension Ceramic Clay
Research [Trivial:135]
Ability: Enchant Alaran Metal
Research [Trivial:148]
Ability: Mass Enchant Alaran Metal
Smithing [Trivial:499]
Glorious Infused Hooked Hammer
Smithing [Trivial:503]
Glorious Infused Knotched Dagger
Smithing [Trivial:503]
Glorious Infused Razor-Edged Ulak
Smithing [Trivial:503]
Glorious Infused Spiked Maul
Smithing [Trivial:508]
Glorious Infused Shimmering Staff
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Infused Black Scythe
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Infused Fauchard
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Infused Gem-Tipped Spear
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Infused Serrated Scimitar
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Infused Spellblade Dagger
Smithing [Trivial:519]
Glorious Infused Jeweled Great Axe
Tailoring [Trivial:499]
Glorious Infused Lined Sap Gloves
Tailoring [Trivial:503]
Glorious Infused Studded Cudgel
Tinkering [Trivial:135]
Gnomish Handcannon Ammunition
Tinkering [Trivial:202]
Clockwork Fortune Teller
Recipe of Essence of Alaris Recipe of High Quality Firing Sheet Recipe of Quill of the Martial Recipe of Ralos Recipe of Ink of Deftness Recipe of Glorious Charms

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