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Recipe Drawings Help
The recipe tree has been drawed using three different coloured bookcases, one for each different item origin. This feature makes really easy the visual recognition of which items can be purchased, looted or crafted. Recipe Colors Summary Also, the recipe drawing can give you lots of dynamic information by just moving the cursor over the items, as you can see in the image below. Information includes trivial level, skill, origin and stats of the item... If you want to see all the details of a specific subcombine or component, just click in it.

Example of aditional dynamic info

[Fine Papyrus] [EqTraders]
everquest icon 870[Fine Papyrus]
[Skill: Research] [Trivial: 84] [Yield: 1]
[Magic Item] [Crafted Item] [Tradeskill]
[Wizard] [Necromancer] [Magician] [Enchanter]

[Recommended Level: 58]
It can be obtained from [1] recipes.
It can be used in [34] recipes.
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
Research [Trivial:200]
Spell: Dementing Visions
Research [Trivial:200]
Spell: Glamorous Visage
Research [Trivial:200]
Spell: Guard of Calliav (Mage)
Research [Trivial:200]
Spell: Manasink
Research [Trivial:200]
Spell: Reflect (Enchanter)
Research [Trivial:200]
Spell: Reflect (Mage)
Research [Trivial:200]
Spell: Reflect (Necromancer)
Research [Trivial:200]
Spell: Reflect (Wizard)
Research [Trivial:200]
Spell: Tears of Prexus
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Acumen of Dar Khura
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Antidote
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Ethereal Light
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Fist of Karana
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Greater Vocaration Fire
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Hammer of Divinity
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Mind Wrack
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Quivering Veil of Xarn
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Spell Shield
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Talisman of the Rhino
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Talisman of the Serpent
Research [Trivial:202]
Spell: Velocity
Research [Trivial:203]
Spell: Bedlam
Research [Trivial:203]
Spell: Blessing of Austerity
Research [Trivial:203]
Spell: Call of Ice
Research [Trivial:203]
Spell: Cannibalize IV
Research [Trivial:203]
Spell: Circle of Seasons
Research [Trivial:203]
Spell: Enforced Reverence
Research [Trivial:203]
Spell: Naltron's Mark
Research [Trivial:203]
Spell: Phantasmal Protection
Research [Trivial:203]
Spell: Talisman of Epuration
Research [Trivial:204]
Spell: Tigir's Insects
Research [Trivial:206]
Spell: Blessed Armor of the Risen
Recipe of Fine Papyrus Recipe of Celestial Cleanser Recipe of Celestial Solvent Recipe of Empty Vial Recipe of Vial of Pure Water Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Empty Vial Recipe of Gnomish Heat Source Recipe of Fine Papyrus Solution Recipe of Emerald Recipe of Jasper Recipe of Opal Recipe of Gold Bar Recipe of Vial of Pure Water Recipe of Aqua Regia Recipe of Grubby Fine Papyrus

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