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Recipe Drawings Help
The recipe tree has been drawed using three different coloured bookcases, one for each different item origin. This feature makes really easy the visual recognition of which items can be purchased, looted or crafted. Recipe Colors Summary Also, the recipe drawing can give you lots of dynamic information by just moving the cursor over the items, as you can see in the image below. Information includes trivial level, skill, origin and stats of the item... If you want to see all the details of a specific subcombine or component, just click in it.

Example of aditional dynamic info

[Powder of Ro] [EqTraders]
everquest icon 1076[Powder of Ro]
[Skill: Alchemy] [Trivial: 15] [Yield: 2]
[Crafted Item] [Tradeskill]
[All Classes]

It appears at [20] zones.
Can be looted from [233] mobs.
It can be obtained from [1] recipes.
It can be used in [66] recipes.
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Skylance: The Laboratory
[a lab attendant (N)]
Sverag, Stronghold of Rage
[a Bolvirk (N)]
[a Bolvirk defender (N)]
[a Bolvirk elite (N)]
[a Bolvirk hersir (N)]
[a Bolvirk patrol leader (N)]
[a Bolvirk warrior (N)]
[a bonecaller (N)]
[a bonecaller (N)]
[a centurion (Goblin) (N)]
[a centurion (Orc) (N)]
[a champion (drachnid) (N)]
[a flesh tyrant (N)]
[a goblin (N)]
[a goblin defender (N)]
[a goblin mystic (N)]
[a goblin spellscratcher (N)]
[a hedge wizard (Goblin) (N)]
[a hedge wizard (Orc) (N)]
[a legionnaire (N)]
[a malifigaunt (N)]
[a rotting footsoldier (N)]
[a shadow crawler (N)]
[a shadow crawler (N)]
[a shadow walker (N)]
[a shadowed defender (N)]
[a shaman (Goblin) (N)]
[a shaman (Orc) (N)]
[a skeletal defender (N)]
[a skeletal footsoldier (N)]
[a soul tyrant (N)]
[a soulbreaker (N)]
[a spite knight (N)]
[a thaumaturge (N)]
[a webspinner (N)]
[an arachnid (N)]
[an arachnid (N)]
[an evil eye (N)]
[an eyegazer (N)]
[an eyetrancer (N)]
[an imprisoned enemy (N)]
[an overfiend (N)]
[an undead footsoldier (N)]
[Shelizard the Forgotten (R)]
The Devastation
[a barbarian (N)]
[a basher (N)]
[a bloodtalker (N)]
[a Bolvirk (N)]
[a Bolvirk elite (N)]
[a Bolvirk hersir (N)]
[a Bolvirk warrior (N)]
[a bouncer (N)]
[a captain (N)]
[a centurion (N)]
[a champion (kobold) (N)]
[a dark initiate (N)]
[a dwarf (N)]
[a farspirit (N)]
[a fury (barbarian) (N)]
[a fury (dwarf) (N)]
[a fury (ogre) (N)]
[a fury (vah shir) (N)]
[a goblin (N)]
[a goblin mystic (N)]
[a goblin spellscratcher (N)]
[a grunt (N)]
[a headhunter (goblin) (N)]
[a headhunter (kobold) (N)]
[a hedge wizard (N)]
[a hunter (N)]
[a legionnaire (N)]
[a legionnaire veteran (N)]
[a malifigaunt (N)]
[a mindtalker (N)]
[a necromaster (N)]
[a ravager (N)]
[a scout (N)]
[a shadow crawler (N)]
[a shadow strider (N)]
[a shadow walker (N)]
[a shadowtalker (N)]
[a shaman (goblin) (N)]
[a shaman (kobold) (N)]
[a shiliskin stonemason (N)]
[a slasher (N)]
[a soldier (N)]
[a soul tyrant (N)]
[a soulbreaker (N)]
[a spiritslaver (N)]
[a spiritualist (N)]
[a spite captain (N)]
[a spite knight (N)]
[a stormbreaker (N)]
[a thaumaturge (N)]
[a troll (N)]
[a Vah Shir (N)]
[a visionary (N)]
[a war mage (N)]
[a wildspirit (N)]
[a wolf of the north (N)]
[an acolyte (N)]
[an armsman (N)]
[an elder (N)]
[an elite (N)]
[an elite soldier (N)]
[an evil eye (N)]
[an eyegazer (N)]
[an eyetrancer (N)]
[an infiltrator (N)]
[an instigator (N)]
[an orc (N)]
[an orcish swordmaster (N)]
[an overfiend (N)]
[an overseer (N)]
[an undead footsoldier (N)]
[Chief Leadfist (N)]
[Jarl Hedmar (N)]
[Savage Fury Bloodstump (N)]
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
Alchemy [Trivial:296]
Elixir Of The Serpentine X
Alchemy [Trivial:296]
Tonic of Benefit Affinity IV
Alchemy [Trivial:304]
Tonic Of Gelid Affinity Iv
Alchemy [Trivial:304]
Tonic of Heat Affinity IV
Alchemy [Trivial:311]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity IV
Alchemy [Trivial:314]
Effusion Of E'ci X
Alchemy [Trivial:314]
Effusion Of Fennin X
Alchemy [Trivial:314]
Elixir Of The Feline X
Alchemy [Trivial:314]
Elixir Of The Simian X
Alchemy [Trivial:314]
Tonic of Regeneration Affinity IV
Alchemy [Trivial:330]
Basic Suspension Of Flame X
Alchemy [Trivial:330]
Basic Suspension Of Frost X
Alchemy [Trivial:330]
Effusion of Druzzil X
Alchemy [Trivial:330]
Elixir of the Avian X
Alchemy [Trivial:330]
Elixir of the Beast X
Alchemy [Trivial:330]
Elixir Of The Cetacean X
Alchemy [Trivial:330]
Philter of the Hawk's Eye
Alchemy [Trivial:330]
Tonic Of Magic Affinity Iv
Alchemy [Trivial:331]
Worked Suspension Of Flame X
Alchemy [Trivial:331]
Worked Suspension of Frost X
Alchemy [Trivial:332]
Formed Suspension Of Flame X
Alchemy [Trivial:332]
Formed Suspension of Frost X
Alchemy [Trivial:332]
Shaped Suspension Of Flame X
Alchemy [Trivial:332]
Shaped Suspension Of Frost X
Alchemy [Trivial:332]
Tonic of Benefit Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:336]
Tonic Of Contagion Affinity Iv
Alchemy [Trivial:336]
Tonic of Toxin Affinity IV
Alchemy [Trivial:338]
Basic Suspension Of Toxin X
Alchemy [Trivial:339]
Worked Suspension Of Toxin X
Alchemy [Trivial:340]
Formed Suspension Of Toxin X
Alchemy [Trivial:340]
Shaped Suspension Of Toxin X
Alchemy [Trivial:342]
Tonic of Gelid Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:342]
Tonic of Heat Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:346]
Distillate of Skinspikes X
Alchemy [Trivial:347]
Basic Suspension Of Pestilence X
Alchemy [Trivial:347]
Effusion Of Bertoxxulous X
Alchemy [Trivial:347]
Effusion of Saryrn X
Alchemy [Trivial:347]
Elixir of the Ursine X
Alchemy [Trivial:348]
Shaped Suspension Of Pestilence X
Alchemy [Trivial:348]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:348]
Worked Suspension Of Pestilence X
Alchemy [Trivial:350]
Formed Suspension of Pestilence X
Alchemy [Trivial:352]
Tonic Of Regeneration Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:355]
Basic Suspension Of Slime X
Alchemy [Trivial:356]
Shaped Suspension of Slime X
Alchemy [Trivial:356]
Tonic Of Efficiency Affinity Iv
Alchemy [Trivial:356]
Worked Suspension of Slime X
Alchemy [Trivial:358]
Formed Suspension of Slime X
Alchemy [Trivial:363]
Distillate of Antidote X
Alchemy [Trivial:363]
Distillate of Comprehension X
Alchemy [Trivial:363]
Distillate Of Immunization X
Alchemy [Trivial:363]
Distillate of Regeneration X
Alchemy [Trivial:363]
Tonic Of Distance Affinity Iv
Alchemy [Trivial:370]
Tonic Of Magic Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:376]
Tonic of Contagion Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:376]
Tonic Of Toxin Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:400]
Tonic of Efficiency Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:407]
Tonic Of Distance Affinity V
Brewing [Trivial:400]
Drink of Timeless Energy
Recipe of Powder of Ro Recipe of Shards of Ro

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