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Recipe Drawings Help
The recipe tree has been drawed using three different coloured bookcases, one for each different item origin. This feature makes really easy the visual recognition of which items can be purchased, looted or crafted. Recipe Colors Summary Also, the recipe drawing can give you lots of dynamic information by just moving the cursor over the items, as you can see in the image below. Information includes trivial level, skill, origin and stats of the item... If you want to see all the details of a specific subcombine or component, just click in it.

Example of aditional dynamic info

[Dinner Gift Basket] [EqTraders]
everquest icon 723[Dinner Gift Basket]
[Skill: Baking] [Trivial: 308] [Yield: 2]
[HP: 30] [MANA: 30]
[Crafted Item] [Meal]
[All Classes]
[Str:+5] [Dex:+5] [Sta:+5] [Agi:+5] [HP:+30] [Mana:+30]
It can be obtained from [1] recipes.
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
Recipe of Dinner Gift Basket Recipe of Picnic Basket Recipe of Steel Boning Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of File Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Metal Bits Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Small Piece of Ore Recipe of File Mold Recipe of Small Brick of Ore Recipe of Woven Mandrake Recipe of Mandrake Root Recipe of Escalloped Potatoes Recipe of Cheese Recipe of Casserole Dish Recipe of High Quality Firing Sheet Recipe of Unfired Casserole Dish Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Ceramic Lining Recipe of Quality Firing Sheet Recipe of Unfired Ceramic Lining Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Small Block of Clay Recipe of Ceramic Lining Sketch Recipe of Large Block of Clay Recipe of Casserole Dish Sketch Recipe of Butter Recipe of Rujarkian Potato Recipe of Coarse Salt Recipe of Deep Forest Mushroom Recipe of Green Ranger Recipe of Surefall Ranger Recipe of Celestial Essence Recipe of Celestial Solvent Recipe of Words of Acquisition (Beza) Recipe of Surefall Sap Recipe of Air-Sealed Arador Recipe of High Quality Firing Sheet Recipe of Unfired Air-Sealed Arador Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Large Block of Clay Recipe of Metal Twine Recipe of Medium Jar Sketch Recipe of Thunder Salmon Glue Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Thunder Salmon Bones Recipe of Filleting Knife Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Metal Bits Recipe of Scaler Mold Recipe of Thunder Salmon Recipe of Roots Recipe of Celandine Herb Recipe of White Rose Cream Recipe of Cream Recipe of Bottle of Milk Recipe of Dairy Spoon Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Metal Bits Recipe of Scaler Mold Recipe of Benzoin Recipe of Melted Glacier Whiskey Recipe of Chocolate Recipe of Generic Coffee Beans Recipe of Almonds Recipe of Dried Vanilla Beans Recipe of Nest Drake Egg Recipe of Green Gill Juice Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Green Gill Bones Recipe of Filleting Knife Recipe of Greengill Salmon Recipe of Roots Recipe of Celandine Herb Recipe of Silk Napkin Recipe of Silver Thread Recipe of Embroidering Needle Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Metal Bits Recipe of Celestial Essence Recipe of Needle Mold Recipe of Drachnid Silk Swatch Recipe of Drachnid Silk Recipe of Wax Candle Recipe of Vanilla Ice Cream Cake Slice Recipe of Vanilla Ice Cream Cake Recipe of Clump of Dough Recipe of Snake Egg Recipe of Bottle of Milk Recipe of Cup of Flour Recipe of Cake Round Recipe of High Quality Firing Sheet Recipe of Unfired Cake Round Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Block of Clay Recipe of Glass Shard Recipe of Cake Round Sketch Recipe of Frosting Recipe of Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe of Ice of Velious Recipe of Bottle of Milk Recipe of Cream Recipe of Cup of Sugar Recipe of Rock Salt Recipe of Dried Vanilla Beans Recipe of Barbequed Nest Dragon Steak Recipe of Jug of Sauces Recipe of Spices Recipe of Barbequed Nest Dragon Meat Recipe of Barbecue Sauce Recipe of Red Wine Recipe of Vinegar Recipe of Cup of Sugar Recipe of Ground Pepper Recipe of Nest Dragon Meat

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