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Recipe Drawings Help
The recipe tree has been drawed using three different coloured bookcases, one for each different item origin. This feature makes really easy the visual recognition of which items can be purchased, looted or crafted. Recipe Colors Summary Also, the recipe drawing can give you lots of dynamic information by just moving the cursor over the items, as you can see in the image below. Information includes trivial level, skill, origin and stats of the item... If you want to see all the details of a specific subcombine or component, just click in it.

Example of aditional dynamic info

[Lined Poison Vial] [EqTraders]
everquest icon 599[Lined Poison Vial]
[Skill: Pottery] [Trivial: 17] [Yield: 1]
[Quest Item] [Crafted Item] [Tradeskill]
[All Classes]

It appears at [11] zones.
It can be Bought from [16] merchants.
It can be obtained from [1] recipes.
It can be used in [22] recipes.
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Crescent Reach
[Poisoner Salihah (M)]
Dagnor's Cauldron
[Conium Darkblade (M)]
Echo Caverns
[Olowakn Telrok (M)]
Firiona Vie
[Brak Daggermist (M)]
Lake of Ill Omen
[Nubs Blackgranite (M)]
Shadow Haven
[Ferusal (M)]
Shar Vahl
[Mugdah (M)]
West Karana
[Gindlin Toxfodder (M)]
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
Make Poison [Trivial:24]
Retinal Deactivator
Make Poison [Trivial:32]
Basilisk Poison
Make Poison [Trivial:32]
Spine Break
Make Poison [Trivial:40]
Crystal Eritus
Make Poison [Trivial:48]
Cyclan Butil
Make Poison [Trivial:56]
Putrid Bane
Make Poison [Trivial:66]
Sweet Lathyris
Make Poison [Trivial:76]
Make Poison [Trivial:76]
Lixt Wing Dust
Make Poison [Trivial:76]
Rancid WolfKiller
Make Poison [Trivial:87]
Festering Nettle
Make Poison [Trivial:87]
Maddening Sap
Make Poison [Trivial:98]
Atrophic Sap
Make Poison [Trivial:108]
Aching Blood
Make Poison [Trivial:108]
Eyeburn Solution
Make Poison [Trivial:119]
Kinetic Suppressant
Make Poison [Trivial:119]
Lethargic Bliss
Make Poison [Trivial:140]
Leprous Pus
Make Poison [Trivial:159]
Nematocyst Poison
Make Poison [Trivial:162]
Paralyzing Neurotoxin
Make Poison [Trivial:162]
Xegony's Curse
Make Poison [Trivial:180]
Anemone Feedback
Recipe of Lined Poison Vial Recipe of High Quality Firing Sheet Recipe of Unfired Lined Poison Vial Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Small Block of Clay Recipe of Lined Vial Sketch Recipe of Low Quality Wolf Skin Recipe of Skinning Knife Recipe of Water Flask Recipe of Hilt Mold Recipe of Dagger Blade Mold Recipe of Small Brick of Ore Recipe of Medium Quality Wolf Skin

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