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Palladium Ore [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Augmentation] [Attuneable]
[Tradeskill] [Infusible]
Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 1092
[Recommended Lvl: 95] [Required Lvl: 91]
[Augment Slots: 17] [Use Distiller Class: XVIII]
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Beasts' Domain
[a domain hunter (N)]
Erillion, City of Bronze
[a blacksmith (N)]
[a bloodthirsty carnifex (N)]
[a bored potter (N)]
[a bureaucrat (N)]
[a busy cook (N)]
[a busy papyrus maker (N)]
[a carnifex (N)]
[a citizen (N)]
[a cook (N)]
[a cruel carnifex (N)]
[a detailed record keeper (N)]
[a diligent potter (N)]
[a dour bureaucrat (N)]
[a dull record keeper (N)]
[a dutiful guard (N)]
[a faithful citizen (N)]
[a forlorn prisoner (N)]
[a government official (N)]
[a guard (N)]
[a magistrate (N)]
[a merchant (N)]
[a miserly government official (N)]
[a mundane office worker (N)]
[a potter (N)]
[a prisoner (N)]
[a prudent merchant (N)]
[a record keeper (N)]
[a resolute bureaucrat (N)]
[a ruthless archon (N)]
[a shrewd merchant (N)]
[a solemn guard (N)]
[a tired cook (N)]
[a tired papyrus maker (N)]
[a woeful prisoner (N)]
[an apprentice blacksmith (N)]
[an archon (N)]
[an enthusiastic papyrus maker (N)]
[an honest citizen (N)]
[an imposing archon (N)]
[an industrious blacksmith (N)]
[an insipid government official (N)]
[an irritated office worker (N)]
[an office worker (N)]
Evantil, the Vile Oak
[a fear howler (N)]
Pillars of Alra
[a brilliant coalescence of light (N)]
[a coalescence of light (N)]
[a constructor acolyte (N)]
[a constructor apprentice (N)]
[a constructor host (N)]
[a constructor keeper (Light) (N)]
[a constructor neophyte (N)]
[a contemplative verdantguardian (N)]
[a dark essencegazer (N)]
[a focused attendant (N)]
[a focused lightgazer (N)]
[a focused lightward (N)]
[a focused sorcerer (N)]
[a focused ward (N)]
[a greater life-essence (N)]
[a greater manaward (N)]
[a hall ward (N)]
[a life harvester (N)]
[a life infuser (N)]
[a life purifier (N)]
[a lifetender (N)]
[a light convertor (N)]
[a light harvester (N)]
[a light infuser (N)]
[a light purifier (N)]
[a lighttender (N)]
[a lightward captain (N)]
[a lightward guardian (N)]
[a lightward novice (N)]
[a lightward sentinel (N)]
[a lightward squire (N)]
[a lightward trainee (N)]
[a lightward zealot (N)]
[a lightwarder (N)]
[a luminous sprite (N)]
[a mana convertor (N)]
[a mana harvester (N)]
[a mana infuser (N)]
[a mana purifier (N)]
[a manatender (N)]
[a natureward acolyte (N)]
[a natureward apprentice (N)]
[a natureward host (N)]
[a natureward initiate (N)]
[a natureward keeper (N)]
[a natureward meditator (N)]
[a natureward seeker (N)]
[a pensive lightgazer (N)]
[a pensive onlooker (N)]
[a pensive scholar (Arcane) (N)]
[a pensive shadowcaster (N)]
[a penumbral priest (N)]
[a pure coalescence of light (N)]
[a purist essencegazer (N)]
[a quiet cataloger (Light) (N)]
[a quiet naturetender (N)]
[a scholar of Anriella (N)]
[a scholar of Erion (N)]
[a scholar of Fal`Kaa (N)]
[a scholar of Melretia (N)]
[a seasoned channeller (N)]
[a seasoned lightward (N)]
[a shade convertor (N)]
[a shade infuser (N)]
[a shadeweaver acolyte (N)]
[a shadeweaver apprentice (N)]
[a shadeweaver initiate (N)]
[a shadeweaver keeper (N)]
[a shadeweaver neophyte (N)]
[a shadow harvester (N)]
[a shadow purifier (N)]
[a shadowtender (N)]
[a shadowward (N)]
[a shadowward captain (N)]
[a shadowward guardian (N)]
[a shadowward sentinel (N)]
[a shadowward squire (N)]
[a shadowward trainee (N)]
[a shadowward veteran (N)]
[a silent bookkeeper (Arcane) (N)]
[a silent shadowcaster (N)]
[a spirited conjuror (N)]
[a spirited focuser (N)]
[a spirited lightward (N)]
[a spirited verdantguardian (N)]
[a stoic lightgazer (N)]
[a stoic patron (N)]
[a stoic shadowcaster (N)]
[a stoic ward (N)]
[a student of Anriella (N)]
[a student of Erion (N)]
[a student of Fal`Kaa (N)]
[a student of Melretia (N)]
[a verdant animator (N)]
[a verdant earthshaper (N)]
[a verdant earthtender (N)]
[a verdantguard captain (N)]
[a verdantguard initiate (N)]
[a verdantguard novice (N)]
[a verdantguard reflector (N)]
[a verdantguard squire (N)]
[a verdantguard veteran (N)]
[a verdantguard ward (N)]
[a verdantguard warden (N)]
[a verdantguardian (N)]
[a ward of the arcane (N)]
[a warm glow (N)]
[a zealous augur (N)]
[a zealous lightshaper (N)]
[an animate ward (N)]
[an antumbral priest (N)]
[an arcane essencegazer (N)]
[an arcane interceptor (N)]
[an arcane ward (N)]
[an arcward captain (N)]
[an arcward guardian (N)]
[an arcward sentinel (N)]
[an arcward squire (N)]
[an arcward trainee (N)]
[an arcward veteran (N)]
[an arcwarder (N)]
[an ardent scholar (Nature) (N)]
[an attendant of Anriella (N)]
[an attendant of Erion (N)]
[an attendant of Fal`Kaa (N)]
[an attendant of Melretia (N)]
[an attendant of purity (N)]
[an augmented zealot (N)]
[an empowered manipulator (N)]
[an empowered shadowweaver (N)]
[an enthralled lightgazer (N)]
[an enthralled shadowcaster (N)]
[an enthralled spectator (N)]
[an essence convertor (N)]
[an essence director (Light) (N)]
[an essence extractor (Shadow) (N)]
[an essence keeper (Arcane) (N)]
[an essence lifegazer (N)]
[an essence lifeshaper (N)]
[an essence lifeward (N)]
[an essence lifeweaver (N)]
[an essence lightshaper (N)]
[an essence lightward (N)]
[an essence lightweaver (N)]
[an essence manashaper (N)]
[an essence manaward (N)]
[an essence manaweaver (N)]
[an essence of pure light (N)]
[an essence purifier (Light) (N)]
[an essence shadowshaper (N)]
[an essence shadowward (N)]
[an essence shadowweaver (N)]
[an essence surveyor (Nature) (N)]
[an experienced focuser (N)]
[an experienced lightshaper (N)]
[an illuminary ward (N)]
[an illuminator acolyte (N)]
[an illuminator apprentice (N)]
[an illuminator initiate (N)]
[an illuminator neophyte (N)]
[an introspective student (Shadow) (N)]
[an umbral priest (N)]
[Varinyr the Construct of Life (N)]
Resplendent Temple
[a filthy swinetor (N)]
[a groundskeeper (N)]
[a Nitore advisor (N)]
[a Nitore apprentice (N)]
[a Nitore cleanser (N)]
[a Nitore elder (N)]
[a Nitore enforcer (N)]
[a Nitore guard (N)]
[a Nitore idealist (N)]
[a Nitore initiate (N)]
[a Nitore liaison (N)]
[a Nitore mender (N)]
[a Nitore neophyte (N)]
[a Nitore peacekeeper (N)]
[a Nitore priest (N)]
[a Nitore prober (N)]
[a Nitore purger (N)]
[a Nitore savant (N)]
[a Nitore sorcerer (N)]
[a Nitore watcher (N)]
[a Piq`a deadraiser (N)]
[a Piq`a diabolist (N)]
[a Piq`a noble (N)]
[a Piq`a soothsayer (N)]
[a prisoner (N)]
[a purified essence (N)]
[a putrid swinetor (N)]
[a roaming swinetor (N)]
[a soiled essence (N)]
[a swinetor summoner (N)]
[a swinetor youth (N)]
[a temple servant (N)]
[an armed guard (N)]
[an Ulork diviner (N)]
[an Ulork noble (N)]
[an Ulork occultist (N)]
[an Ulork vicar (N)]
[High Guard Alsera (N)]
Sarith, City of Tides
[a hostage taker (N)]
[a Sarith guardsman (N)]
[a Sarith guardsman veteran (N)]
[a Sarith tidalmage (N)]
[a Sarith tidalmage master (N)]
[a Sarith tide priest (N)]
[an Orator`s army archmage (N)]
[an Orator`s Army assassin (N)]
[an Orator`s army battlemage (N)]
[an Orator`s Army beast master (N)]
[an Orator`s army beast trainer (N)]
[an Orator`s army bishop (N)]
[an Orator`s army commander (N)]
[an Orator`s army conscript (N)]
[an Orator`s army dark mage (N)]
[an Orator`s Army death knight (N)]
[an Orator`s army lieutenant (N)]
[an Orator`s Army life knight (N)]
[an Orator`s Army nature mage (N)]
[an Orator`s Army primal mage (N)]
[an Orator`s Army ranger (N)]
[an Orator`s army scout (N)]
[an Orator`s army soldier (N)]
[an Orator`s army strategist (N)]
[an Orator`s army warpriest (N)]
[an Oseka`s Chosen defender (N)]
[an Oseka`s Chosen guardian (N)]
Sepulcher East
[a blade overseer of alsa thelara (N)]
[a bladeguide of alsa thelara (N)]
[a caretaker of Lunanyn (N)]
[a champion of Kolos (N)]
[a clot of light (N)]
[a conqueror of Kolos (N)]
[a crystallization of light (N)]
[a dark magic caster (N)]
[a dark magic wielder (N)]
[a defender of Kolos (N)]
[a didact of Ryken (N)]
[a farmer of Lunanyn (N)]
[a furrier of Kolos (N)]
[a hunter of Kolos (N)]
[a light magic caster (N)]
[a light magic wielder (N)]
[a lurching izon (N)]
[a nature magic caster (N)]
[a nature magic wielder (N)]
[a philosopher of Ryken (N)]
[a shambling izon (N)]
[a sophist of Ryken (N)]
[a tender of Lunanyn (N)]
[a tracker of Kolos (N)]
[a trapper of Kolos (N)]
[a warden of Lunanyn (N)]
[an academic of Ryken (N)]
[an arcane denizen (N)]
[an arcane magic caster (N)]
[an arcane magic wielder (N)]
[an archon of alsa thelara (N)]
[an embodiment of arcanum (N)]
[light magic caster (N)]
[light magic wielder (N)]
Sepulcher of Order
[a beacon of light (N)]
[a bead of light (N)]
[a blade mentor of alsa thelara (N)]
[a blade overseer of alsa thelara (N)]
[a bladed ereth of order (N)]
[a bladeguide of alsa thelara (N)]
[a boastful tricrystal (N)]
[a bone amalgamation (N)]
[a bone mass (N)]
[a brutalizer of alsa thelara (N)]
[a carnifex of alsa thelara (N)]
[a carrier of arcanum (N)]
[a crystalline healer (N)]
[a defender of alsa thel (N)]
[a disgusting soul (N)]
[a gleaming stonewalker (N)]
[a guardian of alsa thel (N)]
[a luminous stonewalker (N)]
[a mutated thel imbiber (N)]
[a protector of alsa thel (N)]
[a proud tricrystal (N)]
[a resplendent soul (N)]
[a soul of nature (N)]
[a spirit of nature (N)]
[a sub archon of alsa thelara (N)]
[a sublime tricrystal (N)]
[a tarnished soul (N)]
[a thelara alsa ril of Alra (N)]
[a tide creeper (N)]
[a tide drifter (N)]
[a torturer of alsa thelara (N)]
[a transcendent adherent (N)]
[a transfigured thel imbiber (N)]
[a vessel of arcanum (N)]
[Alra ser alsa (N)]
[an Alra ser alsa (N)]
[an alsa construct (N)]
[an alsa thelara initiate (N)]
[an alsa thelara worker (N)]
[an arbiter ereth of order (N)]
[an archon of alsa thelara (N)]
[an ereth of Alra (N)]
[an ereth of law (N)]
[an ereth of order (N)]
[an infused alsa construct (N)]
[carnifex of alsa thelara (N)]
[ereth of Alra (N)]
[thelara alsa ril of Alra (N)]
Sepulcher West
[a beast of steel (N)]
[a blade overseer of alsa thelara (N)]
[a bladeguide of alsa thelara (N)]
[a bone assembly (N)]
[a bone bruiser (N)]
[a fouled warrior (N)]
[a giant of steel (N)]
[a high thelasa of Ladrys (N)]
[a high thelasa of Oseka (N)]
[a lost initiate (N)]
[a myrmidon of Oseka (N)]
[a noviate of Ladrys (N)]
[a ser alsa hadal (N)]
[a ser alsa thel hadal (N)]
[a servitor of the depths (N)]
[a soiled warrior (N)]
[a thelasa of Ladrys (N)]
[a tide creeper (N)]
[a tide drifter (N)]
[a warrior of Oseka (N)]
[a worshipper of decay (N)]
[a worshipper of filth (N)]
[an adherent of Ladrys (N)]
[an alsa thelara champion (N)]
[an alsa thelara conqueror (N)]
[an alsa thelara legend (N)]
[an alsa thelara nonpareil (N)]
[an alsa thelara wind archer (N)]
[an alsa thelara wind tamer (N)]
[an archon of alsa thelara (N)]
[an devotee of Ladrys (N)]
[an initiate of Ladrys (N)]
[ser alsa hadal (N)]
[ser alsa thel hadal (N)]
Shard's Landing
[a calculating overseer (N)]
[a citizen (N)]
[a conscripted dredger (N)]
[a conscripted edgecrafter (N)]
[a conscripted excavator (N)]
[a conscripted fighter (N)]
[a conscripted gladiator (N)]
[a conscripted ironshaper (N)]
[a conscripted lifter (N)]
[a conscripted miner (N)]
[a conscripted smith (N)]
[a conscripted tender (N)]
[a council advisor (N)]
[a council judicator (N)]
[a council overseer (N)]
[a devout believer (N)]
[a forsaken believer (N)]
[a forsaken coordinator (N)]
[a forsaken overseer (N)]
[a forsaken speaker (N)]
[a forsaken supervisor (N)]
[a forsaken torchbearer (N)]
[a pious believer (N)]
[a ruthless overseer (N)]
[a silent herald (N)]
[a soulless attendee (N)]
[a stoic believer (N)]
[a taskmaster (N)]
[a zealous believer (N)]
[an arena sentry (N)]
[an arena ward (N)]
[an armory director (N)]
[an armory foreman (N)]
[an armory guard (N)]
[an armory sentry (N)]
[an armory ward (N)]
[an enforcer (N)]
[an impassive clergyman (N)]
[an umbraphyte cultivator (N)]
[an umbraphyte tender (N)]
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
Smithing [Trivial:282]
Palladium Barbs
Smithing [Trivial:282]
Palladium Fill
Smithing [Trivial:282]
Palladium Studs
Smithing [Trivial:442]
Veiled Wrist Seal
Smithing [Trivial:443]
Veiled Glove Seal
Smithing [Trivial:446]
Veiled Helm Seal
Smithing [Trivial:447]
Veiled Sleeve Seal
Smithing [Trivial:451]
Veiled Legging Seal
Smithing [Trivial:463]
Veiled Chest Seal
Smithing [Trivial:488]
Palladium Chain Bracer Template
Smithing [Trivial:488]
Palladium Chain Collar Template
Smithing [Trivial:488]
Palladium Chain Faceguard Template
Smithing [Trivial:488]
Palladium Plate Bracer Template
Smithing [Trivial:488]
Palladium Plate Gorget Template
Smithing [Trivial:488]
Palladium Plate Visor Template
Smithing [Trivial:490]
Palladium Chain Gloves Template
Smithing [Trivial:490]
Palladium Plate Gauntlet Template
Smithing [Trivial:492]
Palladium Chain Belt Template
Smithing [Trivial:492]
Palladium Chain Coif Template
Smithing [Trivial:492]
Palladium Chain Spaulders Template
Smithing [Trivial:492]
Palladium Plate Belt Template
Smithing [Trivial:492]
Palladium Plate Helm Template
Smithing [Trivial:492]
Palladium Plate Pauldron Template
Smithing [Trivial:494]
Palladium Chain Arms Template
Smithing [Trivial:494]
Palladium Plate Vambrace Template
Smithing [Trivial:496]
Palladium Chain Boots Template
Smithing [Trivial:496]
Palladium Plate Boot Template
Smithing [Trivial:498]
Palladium Chain Cloak Template
Smithing [Trivial:498]
Palladium Chain Legplates Template
Smithing [Trivial:498]
Palladium Plate Cloak Template
Smithing [Trivial:498]
Palladium Plate Greaves Template
Smithing [Trivial:499]
Glorious Infused Hooked Hammer
Smithing [Trivial:499]
Glorious Uninfused Hooked Hammer
Smithing [Trivial:503]
Glorious Infused Knotched Dagger
Smithing [Trivial:503]
Glorious Infused Razor-Edged Ulak
Smithing [Trivial:503]
Glorious Infused Spiked Maul
Smithing [Trivial:503]
Glorious Uninfused Knotched Dagger
Smithing [Trivial:503]
Glorious Uninfused Spiked Maul
Smithing [Trivial:508]
Glorious Infused Shimmering Staff
Smithing [Trivial:510]
Palladium Breastplate Template
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Infused Black Scythe
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Infused Fauchard
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Infused Gem-Tipped Spear
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Infused Serrated Scimitar
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Infused Spellblade Dagger
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Uninfused Black Scythe
Smithing [Trivial:514]
Glorious Uninfused Fauchard
Smithing [Trivial:519]
Glorious Infused Jeweled Great Axe

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