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Recondite Mindbroken Cap [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]
[HP: 1075] [MANA: 1145]

Effects & Focus Effects
[Focus of the Tomes II]
[No Drop] [Lore Item] [Magic Item]
Slots & Skill
[Purity:50] [AC:74] [Str:+16+3] [Dex:+36+2] [Sta:+32+1] [Cha:+25+4] [Wis:+10] [Int:+32+3] [Agi:+26+6] [HP:+1075] [Mana:+1145] [FR:+22] [DR:+37] [CR:+37] [MR:+48] [PR:+29]

everquest icon 2116
[Recommended Lvl: 87] [Required Lvl: 82]
[Augment Slots: 7 13 21]
Additional Modifiers
[Shielding: +2%]
[Spell Shield: +2%]
[Avoidance: +4]
[Stun Resist: +3%]
[HP Regen: +3]
[Mana Regeneration: +2]
[Clairvoyance: +14]
[Spell Damage: +16]
[Heal Amount: +2]
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
Tailoring [Trivial:335]
Recondite Manafiber Wristguard

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