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Ethereal Suspension Fluid [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill

everquest icon 2059
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Abysmal Sea
Flarat Pa'Tal
Crescent Reach
Poisoner Sinuhe
Plane of Knowledge
Flerin Na'Shalith
Shadow Haven
This item can be used in tradeskills
Make Poison [Trivial:52]
Anger of the Shissar I
Make Poison [Trivial:54]
Strike of the Shissar I
Make Poison [Trivial:62]
Gelidran Lament I
Make Poison [Trivial:62]
Pyrilen Burn I
Make Poison [Trivial:63]
Strike of the Shissar I
Make Poison [Trivial:76]
Anger of the Shissar II
Make Poison [Trivial:76]
Strike of the Shissar II
Make Poison [Trivial:84]
Gelidran Lament II
Make Poison [Trivial:84]
Pyrilen Burn II
Make Poison [Trivial:88]
Strike of the Shissar II
Make Poison [Trivial:104]
Anger of the Shissar III
Make Poison [Trivial:104]
Strike of the Shissar III
Make Poison [Trivial:111]
Anger of the Shissar IV
Make Poison [Trivial:111]
Strike of the Shissar IV
Make Poison [Trivial:112]
Gelidran Lament III
Make Poison [Trivial:112]
Pyrilen Burn III
Make Poison [Trivial:119]
Gelidran Lament IV
Make Poison [Trivial:119]
Pyrilen Burn IV
Make Poison [Trivial:120]
Strike of the Shissar III
Make Poison [Trivial:128]
Strike of the Shissar IV
Make Poison [Trivial:131]
Anger of the Shissar V
Make Poison [Trivial:131]
Strike of the Shissar V
Make Poison [Trivial:139]
Gelidran Lament V
Make Poison [Trivial:139]
Pyrilen Burn V
Make Poison [Trivial:146]
Anger of the Shissar VI
Make Poison [Trivial:146]
Strike of the Shissar VI
Make Poison [Trivial:151]
Strike of the Shissar V
Make Poison [Trivial:152]
Gelidran Lament VI
Make Poison [Trivial:152]
Pyrilen Burn VI
Make Poison [Trivial:167]
Anger of the Shissar VII
Make Poison [Trivial:167]
Strike of the Shissar VII
Make Poison [Trivial:168]
Strike of the Shissar VI
Make Poison [Trivial:175]
Gelidran Lament VII
Make Poison [Trivial:175]
Pyrilen Burn VII
Make Poison [Trivial:184]
Anger of the Shissar VIII
Make Poison [Trivial:184]
Strike of the Shissar VIII
Make Poison [Trivial:192]
Gelidran Lament VIII
Make Poison [Trivial:192]
Pyrilen Burn VIII
Make Poison [Trivial:192]
Strike of the Shissar VII
Make Poison [Trivial:212]
Strike of the Shissar VIII
Make Poison [Trivial:220]
Anger of the Shissar IX
Make Poison [Trivial:220]
Strike of the Shissar IX
Make Poison [Trivial:227]
Gelidran Lament IX
Make Poison [Trivial:227]
Pyrilen Burn IX
Make Poison [Trivial:252]
Strike of the Shissar IX
Make Poison [Trivial:254]
Anger of the Shissar X
Make Poison [Trivial:254]
Strike of the Shissar X
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Anger of the Shissar XI
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Anger of the Shissar XII
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Anger of the Shissar XIII
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Anger of the Shissar XIV
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Anger of the Shissar XV
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Anger of the Shissar XVI
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Anger of the Shissar XVIII
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Gelidran Lament X
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Gelidran Lament XI
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Gelidran Lament XII
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Gelidran Lament XIII
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Gelidran Lament XIV
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Gelidran Lament XV
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Gelidran Lament XVIII
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Pyrilen Burn X
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Pyrilen Burn XI
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Pyrilen Burn XII
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Pyrilen Burn XIII
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Pyrilen Burn XIV
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Pyrilen Burn XV
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Pyrilen Burn XVIII
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Recondite Soulreaper Sleeves
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Recondite Soulreaper Wristguard
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Recondite Spiritskin Coif
Make Poison [Trivial:260]
Recondite Spiritskin Wristguard

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