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Ruined Cat Pelt [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Crafted Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 555
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Blackfeather Roost
[a cunning mountain puma (N)]
Crescent Reach
[a young puma (N)]
Dragonscale Hills
[a dragonscale shadowcat (N)]
Emerald Jungle
[a raging tiger (N)]
Everfrost Peaks
Snow Leopard
Monkey Rock: A Volatile Disease
[a diseased jaguar (N)]
[an infected jaguar (N)]
Nedaria's Landing
[a sleek panther (N)]
North Karana
[a lion (N)]
North Ro
No mobs in this zone
Oasis of Marr
No mobs in this zone
South Karana
[a lion (N)]
[a lioness (N)]
South Ro
[a puma (N)]
Southern Karana
No mobs in this zone
Suncrest Isle: Altar Call
[a firemaw tiger (N)]
The Jaggedpine Forest
[a black panther (N)]
The Overthere
No mobs in this zone
The Steppes
[a Steppes leopard (N)]
West Karana
No mobs in this zone
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Lightbringers Greaves Material
Tailoring [Trivial:-1]
Patchwork Boots
Tailoring [Trivial:26]
Patchwork Cloak
Tailoring [Trivial:26]
Patchwork Pants
Tailoring [Trivial:26]
Patchwork Sleeves
Tailoring [Trivial:26]
Patchwork Tunic
Tailoring [Trivial:26]
Tattered Belt
Tailoring [Trivial:26]
Tattered Gloves
Tailoring [Trivial:26]
Tattered Gorget
Tailoring [Trivial:26]
Tattered Mask
Tailoring [Trivial:26]
Tattered Shoulderpads
Tailoring [Trivial:26]
Tattered Skullcap
Tailoring [Trivial:26]
Tattered Wristbands

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