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Mead [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 586
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Abysmal Sea
[Dray Cuves (M)]
Clan RunnyEye
[a goblin bartender (M)]
East Cabilis
[Klok Sass (M)]
Echo Caverns
[Rasl Lerosac (M)]
Everfrost Peaks
[an ice goblin whelp (N)]
Firiona Vie
[Samson (M)]
Freeport Sewers
[Trader Shady Bobbin (M)]
Gulf of Gunthak
[Kwyllon Geerlok (M)]
High Keep
[Dealer Shonta (M)]
Hollowshade Moor
[Rittuh Purrik (M)]
Innothule Swamp
[a kobold runt (N)]
Kerra Isle
[Raarrk (M)]
Lake Rathetear
[Abrod (M)]
[Turga (M)]
Lavastorm Mountains
Sasily Verous
Wayfarers Mercenary Athir
Lesser Faydark
[Anelia Thrywiel (M)]
Mines of Gloomingdeep
[Wijdan (M)]
Misty Thicket
[Blixkin Entopop (N)]
[Mooto (N)]
Nektulos Forest
[Kinliat Bloodwalker (M)]
North Kaladim
[Doramafi Ratsbone (M)]
Ocean of Tears
[Endan Halson (M)]
Plane of Storms
[Grok (M)]
Plane of Valor
Randle Cummings
South Kaladim
[Tumpy Irontoe (M)]
The Warrens
[a kobold runt (N)]
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Dark Basher's Greaves Material
Brewing [Trivial:188]
Faydwer Shaker

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