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everquest icon 957
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Asylum of Anguish
[an ikaav flesh render (N)]
Barren Coast
[Merchant Woad (M)]
Butcherblock Mountains
[Magus Tira (M)]
Crypt of Dalnir
[a coerced goblin (N)]
Crystal Caverns
[a stalag terror (N)]
Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened
[a contained elemental (N)]
Dawnshroud Peaks
[a Stonegrabber (N)]
Dranik's Hollows A (Watering Hole)
[a girplan builder (N)]
Dreadspire Keep
[a chirurgeon (N)]
[a Deep Orc battlecaster (N)]
[a Deep Orc brute (N)]
[a Deep Orc diviner (N)]
[a drachnid backslicer (N)]
[a drachnid destroyer (N)]
[a drachnid lifedrinker (N)]
[a drachnid manslayer (N)]
[a drachnid mindbender (N)]
[a drachnid researcher (N)]
[a drachnid ritualist (N)]
[a drachnid spiritualist (N)]
[a drachnid theurgist (N)]
[a gargoyle (N)]
[a grayfang bat (N)]
[a longfang bat (N)]
[a resident of Dreadspire (N)]
[a servant (N)]
[a shadowmane hopeful (N)]
[a shadowmane lorekeeper (N)]
[a shadowmane mender (N)]
[a shadowmane outcast (N)]
[a shadowmane representative (N)]
[a shadowmane researcher (N)]
[a shadowmane rogue (N)]
[a shadowmane sage (N)]
[a shadowmane shaman (N)]
[a shadowmane softpaw (N)]
[a shadowmane steelclaw (N)]
[a shadowmane warrior (N)]
[a studious resident (N)]
[a vampiric lorekeeper (N)]
[a vampiric researcher (N)]
[an aid to the Seneschal (Ragepaw) (N)]
[an orcish manservant (N)]
[an underling (N)]
East Cabilis
[Klok Ixmid (M)]
Emerald Jungle
[greater spurbone (N)]
Everfrost Peaks
[Magus Delin (M)]
Fungus Grove
[Esti Elvenblood (M)]
Greater Faydark
[Merchant Laedar (M)]
Guild Lobby
[Magus Alaria (M)]
Gukta, Outpost of Marr
[Scribe Gukloki (M)]
Scribe Ooglebeg
[Zok Prolo (M)]
Gyrospire Zeka
[a steamwork reaver (N)]
Icefall Glacier
[a Coldeye elite (N)]
[a Coldeye frost guard (N)]
[a Coldeye hunter (N)]
[a Coldeye ice tender (N)]
[a Coldeye outcast (N)]
[a Coldeye wolf tender (N)]
[a dire wolf (N)]
[a driftwolf (N)]
[a driftwolf pup (N)]
[a Frostbite aggressor (N)]
[a Frostbite assassin (N)]
[a Frostbite champion (N)]
[a Frostbite ice caller (N)]
[a Frostbite mage (N)]
[a Frostbite shadowstep (N)]
[a Frostbite shaman (N)]
[a Frostbite sneak (N)]
[a Frostbite soothsayer (N)]
[a Frostbite warrior (N)]
[a Frostbite witchdoctor (N)]
[a Frostbite wizard (N)]
[a Nightmoon cave guard (N)]
[a Nightmoon defender (N)]
[a Nightmoon frost fiend (N)]
[a Nightmoon hunter (N)]
[a Nightmoon overseer (N)]
[a Nightmoon ravager (N)]
[a Nightmoon shaman (N)]
[a Nightmoon slayer (N)]
[an adolescent cave bear (N)]
[an adult icewing (N)]
[an elder dire wolf (N)]
[an elder driftwolf (N)]
[an elder icewing (N)]
[an icefall hare (N)]
[Nightmoon Chieftain Blacktooth (N)]
[Nightmoon Chieftain Snowmane (N)]
[Nightmoon Chieftain Warclaw (N)]
Kael Drakkel
[Ymik (M)]
Karnor's Castle
[spectral knight (N)]
Lair of the Korlach: Taking Control
[a witheran (N)]
Lake of Ill Omen
[a Sarnak dragoon (N)]
Lavaspinner's Lair
[a Delve drake (N)]
Living Larder
[a cocooned victim (N)]
Marus Seru
[a Stonegrabber (N)]
Mons Letalis
[a Stonegrabber (N)]
Natimbi, The Broken Shores
[Magus Releua (M)]
[Reborn (N)]
Nedaria's Landing
[Magus Wenla (M)]
Neriak Third Gate
[Telnor D`Unnar (M)]
[Xantis Ixtax (M)]
North Kaladim
[Banaf Norkhitter (M)]
North Qeynos
[Svena Ironforge (M)]
Northern Felwithe
[Merchant Tyslin (M)]
Ocean of Tears
[a spectre (N)]
[Hrak (M)]
Plane of Hate
[a sage of hate (N)]
Plane of Tranquility
[Parija Kalamir (M)]
Qeynos Catacombs
[Kubder Restona (M)]
Razorthorn: Hero's Challenge
[a dwarven champion (N)]
[a dwarven gladiator (N)]
Relic, the Artifact City
[a scrykin servant (N)]
[Goroth (M)]
[Gyruth (M)]
Riftseekers' Sanctum
[a pyrilen cinderhealer (N)]
Ruins of Lxanvom (Crypt of Decay)
[Pestilence Priest (N)]
Sanctus Seru
[Gaston Facetmaker (M)]
Shadeweaver's Thicket
[Priestess Bast (N)]
Shar Vahl
[Uhlma Mareesh (M)]
Siren's Grotto
[a coldspine seahorse (N)]
Skyfire Mountains
[a skycinder drake (N)]
Skylance: The Laboratory
[a lab attendant (N)]
Skylance: The Library
[Assistant Venorin (N)]
Solusek Ro's Tower
[a lava giant (N)]
South Qeynos
[Hanlore Escaval (M)]
Stonebrunt Mountains
[an elder panda (N)]
Temple of Solusek Ro
[Terblyn Zelbus (M)]
The Accursed Nest
[a Nest defender (N)]
The Accursed Nest: Circle of Drakes
[a Nest defender (N)]
The Hatchery
[a cocooned victim (N)]
The Hive
[a consumed war chaplain (N)]
[a cursed spellweaver (N)]
[a decaying cadaver (N)]
[a decaying elementalist (N)]
[a decaying shiliskin soldier (N)]
[a decrepit crusader (N)]
[a decrepit mage (N)]
[a Deep Orc augurer (N)]
[a Deep Orc conjurer (N)]
[a Deep Orc conscript (N)]
[a Deep Orc spellflinger (N)]
[a Deep Orc spiritist (N)]
[a Deep Orc warrior (N)]
[a desecrated knight (N)]
[a drachnid assassin (N)]
[a drachnid battlemaster (N)]
[a drachnid flamekeeper (N)]
[a drachnid hivetender (N)]
[a drachnid isangoma (N)]
[a drachnid mindspinner (N)]
[a drachnid mundunugu (N)]
[a drachnid ritualist (N)]
[a drachnid shadow walker (N)]
[a drachnid soulstealer (N)]
[a drachnid spellweaver (N)]
[a drained gloomblade (N)]
[a drained shiliskin husk (N)]
[a drained shiliskin lifestealer (N)]
[a drained shiliskin spellcrafter (N)]
[a drained shiliskin templar (N)]
[a fallen necromancer (N)]
[a fallen summoner (N)]
[a fallen warrior (N)]
[a flayed sorcerer (N)]
[a putrid zombie (N)]
[a raised shiliskin chaplain (N)]
[a raised shiliskin infiltrator (N)]
[a reanimated charmcrafter (N)]
[a reanimated drachnid (N)]
[a reanimated shiliskin (N)]
[a reanimated shiliskin summoner (N)]
[a reanimated war mage (N)]
[a rotting corruptor (N)]
[a rotting husk (N)]
[a shriveled shiliskin corpse (N)]
[a skinwalker adept (N)]
[a skinwalker agent (N)]
[a skinwalker assassin (N)]
[a skinwalker corpsefiend (N)]
[a skinwalker illusionist (N)]
[a skinwalker inquisitor (N)]
[a skinwalker instructor (N)]
[a skinwalker master (N)]
[a skinwalker reaver (N)]
[an animated flamecaster (N)]
[an enchanted cadaver (N)]
The Jaggedpine Forest
[a giant anaconda (N)]
The Mechamatic Guardian: Security, Yeah Right
[Security Officer Fizzlebing (N)]
The Mechamatic Guardian: Solo Tasks
[a glob of dirty grease (N)]
[a steamwork blaster (N)]
The Nargilor Pits: Preemptive Strike
[a patroling thrall (N)]
[an accursed rogue (N)]
The Wakening Land
[a geonid (N)]
The Warrens
[The Muglwump (N)]
[Meg Tucter (M)]
Tirranun's Delve
[Fire Goblin Laborer (N)]
Torgiran Mines
[a luggald horror (N)]
Valdeholm: Speak with the King
[Royal Guardsman (N)]
Vergalid Mines
[a bone grafter (N)]
[a clattering servant (N)]
[a furious bonesnapper (N)]
[a gloompetal lotus (N)]
[a granite sentinel (N)]
[a Green Legion acolyte (N)]
[a Green Legion archaeologist (N)]
[a Green Legion assistant (N)]
[a Green Legion bonecaller (N)]
[a Green Legion corpsetender (N)]
[a Green Legion deceiver (N)]
[a Green Legion devotee (N)]
[a Green Legion foreman (N)]
[a Green Legion overseer (N)]
[a Green Legion ravager (N)]
[a Green Legion researcher (N)]
[a Green Legion slavemaster (N)]
[a Green Legion soldier (N)]
[a Kickpick evoker (N)]
[a Kickpick excavator (N)]
[a Kickpick initiate (N)]
[a Kickpick miner (N)]
[a Kickpick slave (N)]
[a priest of Vergalid (N)]
[a savage caiman (N)]
[a Skullcrush conscript (N)]
[a Skullcrush digger (N)]
[a Skullcrush excavator (N)]
[a Skullcrush miner (N)]
[a Skullcrush practitioner (N)]
[a Skullcrush sharper (N)]
[a stone guardian (N)]
[a stone sentinel (N)]
[a Vergalid assassin (N)]
[a Vergalid elite (N)]
[a vicious bonesnapper (N)]
[a voidspawn bonefiend (N)]
[a voidspawn golem (N)]
[blood of Vergalid (N)]
Vergalid Mines: Vergalid's End
[a bone grafter (N)]
[a clattering servant (N)]
[a granite sentinel (N)]
[a Green Legion acolyte (N)]
[a Green Legion archaeologist (N)]
[a Green Legion assistant (N)]
[a Green Legion bonecaller (N)]
[a Green Legion corpsetender (N)]
[a Green Legion deceiver (N)]
[a Green Legion devotee (N)]
[a Green Legion foreman (N)]
[a Green Legion guardian (N)]
[a Green Legion overseer (N)]
[a Green Legion ravager (N)]
[a Green Legion researcher (N)]
[a Green Legion slavemaster (N)]
[a Green Legion soldier (N)]
[a Kickpick excavator (N)]
[a Kickpick initiate (N)]
[a Kickpick miner (N)]
[a priest of Vergalid (N)]
[a Skullcrush conscript (N)]
[a Skullcrush excavator (N)]
[a Skullcrush practitioner (N)]
[a Skullcrush sharper (N)]
[a Vergalid assassin (N)]
[a Vergalid elite (N)]
[a voidspawn bonefiend (N)]
[a voidspawn golem (N)]
[an ancient trilobite (N)]
[blood of Vergalid (N)]
West Cabilis
[Visar Glolith (M)]
West Karana
[a hill giant (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Jewelcraft [Trivial:46]
Silvered Peridot Ring
Jewelcraft [Trivial:46]
Silvered Peridot Ring
Jewelcraft [Trivial:106]
Round Cut Peridot
Jewelcraft [Trivial:114]
Electrum Peridot Bracelet
Jewelcraft [Trivial:115]
Lacquered Peridot
Jewelcraft [Trivial:186]
Golden Peridot Bracelet
Jewelcraft [Trivial:186]
Golden Peridot Bracelet
Jewelcraft [Trivial:258]
Platinum Peridot Ring
Jewelcraft [Trivial:258]
Platinum Peridot Ring (non-enchanted)
Jewelcraft [Trivial:260]
Velium Peridot Ring
Jewelcraft [Trivial:260]
Velium Peridot Ring (non-enchanted)
Jewelcraft [Trivial:262]
jeweler ceramic clay (non-enchanted)
Jewelcraft [Trivial:262]
Palladium Peridot Bracelet
Research [Trivial:35]
Ameliorating Thickener
Research [Trivial:35]
Consuming Thickener
Research [Trivial:35]
Mitigating Thickener
Research [Trivial:60]
Rough Papyrus Solution
Research [Trivial:71]
Papyrus Solution
Research [Trivial:120]
Fine Runic Papyrus Solution
Research [Trivial:126]
Vial of Cloudy Mana
Research [Trivial:216]
Fine Vellum Parchment Solution
Research [Trivial:231]
Spell: Rune of Zebuxoruk
Research [Trivial:243]
Abstruse Blessedbond Helm
Research [Trivial:243]
Abstruse Conjuredflame Cap
Research [Trivial:243]
Abstruse Darktouch Helm
Research [Trivial:243]
Abstruse Stormheart Gauntlets
Research [Trivial:243]
Abstruse Wildroar Gloves
Research [Trivial:243]
Fine Numen Plaque Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Fine Paper Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Fine Runic Numen Plaque Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Fine Runic Spell Tablet Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Fine Runic Vellum Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Fine Spell Tablet Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Numen Plaque Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Paper Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Rough Numen Plaque Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Rough Spell Tablet Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Runic Charta Arcanum Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Runic Numen Plaque Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Runic Spell Tablet Solution
Research [Trivial:243]
Spell Tablet Solution
Research [Trivial:316]
Glowing Energeiac Rod

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