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Immaculate Silk [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Temporary] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 782
[Recommended Lvl: 84] [Required Lvl: 80]
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Cooling Chamber: Tasnise Underbelly
[Tasnise Underbelly (N)]
Fortress Mechanotus
[Rusty Gnomework (N)]
Gyrospire Beza
[a gnome shocktrooper (N)]
Korafax: Inside Information
[a mastruq tormentor (N)]
Kurn's Stronghold
[a greentail slayer (N)]
Meldrath's Majestic Mansion
[a mechanic (gnome) (N)]
[a steamwork mechanic (N)]
Old Commonlands: Bitter Victuals
[Terrorvenom (N)]
Ruins of Old Paineel (The Hole)
[a cliknar invader (N)]
S.H.I.P. Workshop
[a minotaur juggernaut (N)]
Temple of Bertoxxulous: Queen Malarian
[Queen Malarian (R)]
The Foundation: The Search for Saunk
[Shade of Burynai autarchian (N)]
The Underquarry
[a burynai archwizard (N)]
[a burynai caveblade (N)]
[a burynai mineblade (N)]
[a burynai plotter (N)]
[a burynai trickster (N)]
[a burynai tunnelblade (N)]
[a burynai welterwizard (N)]
[a cliknar adept (N)]
[a cliknar avenger (N)]
[a cliknar battle drone (N)]
[a cliknar eviscerator (N)]
[a cliknar paragon (N)]
[a cliknar prelate (N)]
[a cliknar sergeant (N)]
[a cliknar skirmish drone (N)]
[a cliknar war drone (N)]
[a cliknar warrior (N)]
[a genati ancient (N)]
[a genati archaean (N)]
[a Stonequarry engineer (N)]
[a Stonequarry foreman (N)]
[a surly genati (N)]
[an Underquarry believer (N)]
[an Underquarry engineer (N)]
[an Underquarry follower (N)]
[an Underquarry foreman (N)]
[an Underquarry miner (N)]
[an Underquarry stonecutter (N)]
[an Underquarry stonerazer (N)]
[Protauris (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Fletching [Trivial:-1]
Stalwart Staff
Fletching [Trivial:244]
Stalwart Recurve Bow String
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Stalwart Haft
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Stalwart Handle
Fletching [Trivial:268]
Stalwart Short Haft
Fletching [Trivial:270]
Stalwart Baton
Fletching [Trivial:271]
Stalwart Staff
Tailoring [Trivial:100]
Cured Raw Silk
Tailoring [Trivial:230]
Tailored Immaculate Belt Pouch
Tailoring [Trivial:230]
Tailored Immaculate Tool Belt
Tailoring [Trivial:235]
Tailored Immaculate Backpack
Tailoring [Trivial:235]
Tailored Immaculate Haversack
Tailoring [Trivial:235]
Tailored Immaculate Rucksack
Tailoring [Trivial:235]
Tailored Immaculate Sack
Tailoring [Trivial:235]
Tailored Immaculate Satchel
Tailoring [Trivial:239]
Tailored Immaculate Bag
Tailoring [Trivial:239]
Tailored Immaculate Pack
Tailoring [Trivial:400]
Cosgrove Boot Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:400]
Cosgrove Chest Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:400]
Cosgrove Glove Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:400]
Cosgrove Helm Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:400]
Cosgrove Legging Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:400]
Cosgrove Sleeve Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:400]
Cosgrove Wrist Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:442]
Cosgrove Wrist Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:443]
Cosgrove Glove Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:446]
Cosgrove Helm Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:447]
Cosgrove Sleeve Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:450]
Cosgrove Boot Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:451]
Cosgrove Legging Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:463]
Cosgrove Chest Seal
Tailoring [Trivial:488]
Immaculate Silk Gorget Template
Tailoring [Trivial:488]
Immaculate Silk Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:488]
Immaculate Silk Wristband Template
Tailoring [Trivial:490]
Immaculate Silk Glove Template
Tailoring [Trivial:492]
Immaculate Silk Belt Template
Tailoring [Trivial:492]
Immaculate Silk Cap Template
Tailoring [Trivial:492]
Immaculate Silk Shoulderpad Template
Tailoring [Trivial:494]
Immaculate Silk Sleeve Template
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Boot Symbol of Judgement
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Boot Symbol of Storms
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Boot Symbol of the Skeptic
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Chest Symbol of Hate
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Chest Symbol of Wildfire
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Glove Symbol of Compassion
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Helm Symbol of Below
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Helm Symbol of the Brood
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Helm Symbol of the Depths
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Legging Symbol of Terror
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Sleeve Symbol of Devotion
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Wrist Symbol of Growth
Tailoring [Trivial:495]
Venerable Wrist Symbol of Integrity
Tailoring [Trivial:496]
Immaculate Silk Boot Template
Tailoring [Trivial:498]
Immaculate Silk Cloak Template
Tailoring [Trivial:498]
Immaculate Silk Pant Template
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Boot Symbol of Devotion
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Chest Symbol of Stillness
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Chest Symbol of Terror
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Glove Symbol of Below
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Glove Symbol of the Brood
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Glove Symbol of the Depths
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Helm Symbol of Hate
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Helm Symbol of Wildfire
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Legging Symbol of Storms
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Sleeve Symbol of Growth
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Sleeve Symbol of Integrity
Tailoring [Trivial:500]
Venerable Wrist Symbol of Compassion
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Boot Symbol of Compassion
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Boot Symbol of the Farceur
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Chest Symbol of Devotion
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Glove Symbol of Stillness
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Glove Symbol of Terror
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Helm Symbol of Judgement
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Helm Symbol of Storms
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Helm Symbol of the Skeptic
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Legging Symbol of Growth
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Sleeve Symbol of Below
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Sleeve Symbol of the Brood
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Wrist Symbol of Hate
Tailoring [Trivial:504]
Venerable Wrist Symbol of Wildfire
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Immaculate Silk Tunic Template
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Boot Symbol of Stillness
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Boot Symbol of Terror
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Chest Symbol of Below
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Chest Symbol of the Brood
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Chest Symbol of the Depths
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Glove Symbol of Growth
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Glove Symbol of Integrity
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Helm Symbol of Compassion
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Helm Symbol of the Farceur
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Legging Symbol of Hate
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Legging Symbol of Wildfire
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Sleeve Symbol of Judgement
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Sleeve Symbol of Storms
Tailoring [Trivial:510]
Venerable Wrist Symbol of Devotion
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Immaculate Silk Robe Template
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Boot Symbol of Growth
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Boot Symbol of Infestation
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Boot Symbol of Integrity
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Chest Symbol of Judgement
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Chest Symbol of Storms
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Glove Symbol of Hate
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Glove Symbol of Wildfire
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Helm Symbol of Stillness
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Helm Symbol of Terror
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Legging Symbol of Devotion
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Wrist Symbol of Below
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Wrist Symbol of the Brood
Tailoring [Trivial:515]
Venerable Wrist Symbol of the Depths
Tailoring [Trivial:520]
Venerable Boot Symbol of Hate
Tailoring [Trivial:520]
Venerable Boot Symbol of Wildfire
Tailoring [Trivial:520]
Venerable Chest Symbol of Compassion
Tailoring [Trivial:520]
Venerable Glove Symbol of Devotion
Tailoring [Trivial:520]
Venerable Helm Symbol of Growth
Tailoring [Trivial:520]
Venerable Helm Symbol of Infestation
Tailoring [Trivial:520]
Venerable Helm Symbol of Integrity
Tailoring [Trivial:520]
Venerable Legging Symbol of Below
Tailoring [Trivial:520]
Venerable Sleeve Symbol of Stillness

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