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Versluierd Fungus [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 1695
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Direwind Cliffs
[a Clan Direwind carrionmancer (N)]
a plaguebone ooze
[Creeping Death (N)]
Doomfire, the Burning Lands
[Flame Wilder (N)]
Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind
[A Temple Guardian (N)]
Hate's Fury: Setting Sail
[Grimzek (N)]
Ikkinz: Trial of Righteousness
[Spirit of Tunik Tamuik (R)]
Living Larder: The Search for Clues
[Wicyl, the Watcher (N)]
Nobles' Causeway
[Bone Cracker (R)]
Plane of Torment
[Salczek the Fleshgrinder (R)]
Solusek Ro's Tower
[a guardian of Jiva (N)]
Stoneroot Falls: Scouting the City
[a drachnid mind bender (N)]
The Bloodfields
[speed of body (N)]
Western Wastes
[Disciple of Moon (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Alchemy [Trivial:336]
Elixir of the Serpentine XI
Alchemy [Trivial:348]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:354]
Effusion of E'ci XI
Alchemy [Trivial:354]
Effusion of Fennin XI
Alchemy [Trivial:354]
Elixir of the Feline XI
Alchemy [Trivial:354]
Elixir of the Simian XI
Alchemy [Trivial:370]
Basic Suspension of Flame XI
Alchemy [Trivial:370]
Basic Suspension of Frost XI
Alchemy [Trivial:370]
Effusion of Druzzil XI
Alchemy [Trivial:370]
Elixir of the Avian XI
Alchemy [Trivial:370]
Elixir of the Beast XI
Alchemy [Trivial:370]
Elixir of the Cetacean XI
Alchemy [Trivial:371]
Worked Suspension of Frost XI
Alchemy [Trivial:372]
Formed Suspension of Flame XI
Alchemy [Trivial:372]
Formed Suspension of Frost XI
Alchemy [Trivial:372]
Shaped Suspension of Flame XI
Alchemy [Trivial:372]
Shaped Suspension of Frost XI
Alchemy [Trivial:378]
Basic Suspension of Toxin XI
Alchemy [Trivial:379]
Worked Suspension of Toxin XI
Alchemy [Trivial:380]
Formed Suspension of Toxin XI
Alchemy [Trivial:380]
Shaped Suspension of Toxin XI
Alchemy [Trivial:386]
Distillate of Skinspikes XI
Alchemy [Trivial:387]
Basic Suspension of Pestilence XI
Alchemy [Trivial:387]
Effusion of Bertoxxulous XI
Alchemy [Trivial:387]
Effusion of Saryrn XI
Alchemy [Trivial:387]
Elixir of the Ursine XI
Alchemy [Trivial:395]
Basic Suspension of Slime XI
Alchemy [Trivial:396]
Shaped Suspension of Slime XI
Alchemy [Trivial:396]
Worked Suspension of Slime XI
Alchemy [Trivial:398]
Formed Suspension of Slime XI
Alchemy [Trivial:403]
Distillate of Antidote XI
Alchemy [Trivial:403]
Distillate of Comprehension XI
Alchemy [Trivial:403]
Distillate of Immunization XI
Alchemy [Trivial:403]
Distillate of Regeneration XI

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