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Uncut Demantoid [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
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everquest icon 1952
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale
[a trained avian (N)]
Bloody Kithicor
[a tree snake (N)]
Corathus Lair: The Mines
[a slumbering basilisk (N)]
Frostcrypt: Raid Instance #2
[a reformed ice golem (N)]
[an ice golem (Beltron) (N)]
Oceangreen Village
[a Bertoxxulian cultist (N)]
Plane of Torment
[A glistening blood raven (N)]
Rathe Council Chambers
[a myrmidon of granite (N)]
Ruins of Lxanvom (Crypt of Decay)
[Firebone Magus (N)]
[Foul Pusling (N)]
Silyssar: Where There's a Will
[a shissar boneslither (N)]
Solteris, the Throne of Ro
[a pool of light (N)]
[a pool of sunlight (N)]
The Buried Sea
[a coralisk (N)]
The Mechamatic Guardian: Solo Tasks
[a glob of dirty grease (N)]
[a steamwork blaster (N)]
The Ruined City of Dranik
[a dragorn armsman (N)]
[a kyv trapper (N)]
Wall of Slaughter
[a raging chimera (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Below
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Compassion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Decay
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Devotion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Growth
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Hate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Infestation
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Integrity
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Judgement
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Malignancy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Stillness
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Storms
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Terror
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Thaumaturgy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of the Brood
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of the Depths
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of the Farceur
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of the Skeptic
Jewelcraft [Trivial:95]
Blessed Nimble Symbol of Wildfire
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Below
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Compassion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Decay
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Devotion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Growth
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Hate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Infestation
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Integrity
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Judgement
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Malignancy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Stillness
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Storms
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Terror
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Thaumaturgy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of the Brood
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of the Depths
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of the Farceur
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of the Skeptic
Jewelcraft [Trivial:166]
Revered Nimble Symbol of Wildfire
Jewelcraft [Trivial:218]
Oval Cut Demantoid
Jewelcraft [Trivial:250]
Eron's Reconfigured Jewelry
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Below
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Compassion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Decay
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Devotion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Growth
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Hate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Infestation
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Integrity
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Judgement
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Malignancy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Stillness
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Storms
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Terror
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Thaumaturgy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of the Brood
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of the Depths
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of the Farceur
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of the Fire Lord
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of the Skeptic
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of the Warmonger
Jewelcraft [Trivial:286]
Sacred Nimble Symbol of Wildfire
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Below
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Compassion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Decay
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Devotion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Growth
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Hate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Infestation
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Integrity
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Judgement
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Malignancy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Stillness
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Storms
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Terror
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Thaumaturgy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of the Brood
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of the Depths
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of the Farceur
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of the Skeptic
Jewelcraft [Trivial:366]
Eminent Nimble Symbol of Wildfire
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Below
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Compassion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Decay
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Devotion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Growth
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Hate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Infestation
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Integrity
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Judgement
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Malignancy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Stillness
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Storms
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Terror
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Thaumaturgy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of the Brood
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of the Depths
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of the Farceur
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of the Skeptic
Jewelcraft [Trivial:406]
Exalted Nimble Symbol of Wildfire
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Below
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Compassion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Decay
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Devotion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Growth
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Hate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Infestation
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Integrity
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Judgement
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Malignancy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Stillness
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Storms
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Terror
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Thaumaturgy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of the Brood
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of the Depths
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of the Farceur
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of the Skeptic
Jewelcraft [Trivial:446]
Sublime Nimble Symbol of Wildfire
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Below
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Compassion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Decay
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Devotion
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Growth
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Hate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Integrity
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Judgement
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Malignancy
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Stillness
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Storms
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Terror
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of the Brood
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of the Depths
Jewelcraft [Trivial:486]
Venerable Nimble Symbol of Wildfire

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