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Sunshard Powder [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 1075
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale
[a trained avian (N)]
Dreadspire Keep
[Chattering Bonewalker (N)]
Frostcrypt: Raid Instance #2
[a royal crypt guardian (N)]
[an arena beast (N)]
Hills of Shade
[a blood crow (N)]
Icefall Glacier
[a large mammoth (N)]
Silyssar: Slay the Serpent
[an enchanted golem (N)]
[an imperial golem (N)]
Silyssar: Stop the Ritual
[Ssahkar the Lich (N)]
The Buried Sea
[a coralisk (N)]
The Mechamatic Guardian: Solo Tasks
[a glob of dirty grease (N)]
[a steamwork blaster (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Alchemy [Trivial:376]
Elixir of the Serpentine XII
Alchemy [Trivial:394]
Effusion of E'ci XII
Alchemy [Trivial:394]
Effusion of Fennin XII
Alchemy [Trivial:394]
Elixir of the Feline XII
Alchemy [Trivial:394]
Elixir of the Simian XII
Alchemy [Trivial:410]
Basic Suspension of Flame XII
Alchemy [Trivial:410]
Basic Suspension of Frost XII
Alchemy [Trivial:410]
Effusion of Druzzil XII
Alchemy [Trivial:410]
Elixir of the Avian XII
Alchemy [Trivial:410]
Elixir of the Beast XII
Alchemy [Trivial:410]
Elixir of the Cetacean XII
Alchemy [Trivial:411]
Worked Suspension of Flame XII
Alchemy [Trivial:411]
Worked Suspension of Frost XII
Alchemy [Trivial:412]
Formed Suspension of Flame XII
Alchemy [Trivial:412]
Formed Suspension of Frost XII
Alchemy [Trivial:412]
Shaped Suspension of Flame XII
Alchemy [Trivial:412]
Shaped Suspension of Frost XII
Alchemy [Trivial:412]
Tonic of Benefit Affinity VI
Alchemy [Trivial:418]
Basic Suspension of Toxin XII
Alchemy [Trivial:419]
Worked Suspension of Toxin XII
Alchemy [Trivial:420]
Formed Suspension of Toxin XII
Alchemy [Trivial:420]
Shaped Suspension of Toxin XII
Alchemy [Trivial:420]
Tonic of Resonant Disease XII
Alchemy [Trivial:420]
Tonic of Resonant Fire XII
Alchemy [Trivial:420]
Tonic of Resonant Frost XII
Alchemy [Trivial:420]
Tonic of Resonant Magic XII
Alchemy [Trivial:420]
Tonic of Resonant Toxin XII
Alchemy [Trivial:422]
Tonic of Gelid Affinity VI
Alchemy [Trivial:422]
Tonic of Heat Affinity VI
Alchemy [Trivial:426]
Distillate of Skinspikes XII
Alchemy [Trivial:426]
Tonic of Resonant Elemental XII
Alchemy [Trivial:427]
Effusion of Bertoxxulous XII
Alchemy [Trivial:427]
Effusion of Saryrn XII
Alchemy [Trivial:427]
Elixir of the Ursine XII
Alchemy [Trivial:428]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity VI
Alchemy [Trivial:430]
Tonic of Resonant Chromal XII
Alchemy [Trivial:432]
Tonic of Regeneration Affinity VI
Alchemy [Trivial:435]
Basic Suspension of Slime XII
Alchemy [Trivial:436]
Shaped Suspension of Slime XII
Alchemy [Trivial:436]
Worked Suspension of Slime XII
Alchemy [Trivial:438]
Formed Suspension of Slime XII
Alchemy [Trivial:443]
Distillate of Antidote XII
Alchemy [Trivial:443]
Distillate of Comprehension XII
Alchemy [Trivial:443]
Distillate of Immunization XII
Alchemy [Trivial:443]
Distillate of Regeneration XII
Alchemy [Trivial:450]
Tonic of Magic Affinity VI
Alchemy [Trivial:456]
Tonic of Contagion Affinity VI
Alchemy [Trivial:456]
Tonic of Toxin Affinity VI
Alchemy [Trivial:480]
Tonic of Efficiency Affinity VI
Alchemy [Trivial:487]
Tonic of Distance Affinity VI

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