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Leather Mask Template Pattern [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

Slots & Skill

everquest icon 860
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
a clockwork tailor
Crescent Reach
[Tailor Meika (M)]
East Cabilis
[Klok Wartol (M)]
Greater Faydark
[Merchant Aluwenae (M)]
Gukta, Outpost of Marr
[Zok Gleeup (M)]
[Zok Tabruu (M)]
[Cindl (M)]
Neriak Commons
[Garren D`Vek (M)]
Neriak Foreign Quarter
[Jarvah (M)]
Neriak Third Gate
[Medron Y`Lask (M)]
Northern Felwithe
[Merchant Tissan (M)]
Plane of Knowledge
[Higwyn Matrick (M)]
[Twippie Diggs (M)]
South Kaladim
[Kalameky Darkfoam (M)]
South Qeynos
[Fhara Semhart (M)]
The Bazaar
[Dolsoj Warrebs (M)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Tailoring [Trivial:21]
Ruined Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:41]
Mangled Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:66]
Tattered Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:91]
Sullied Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:126]
Crude Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:159]
Rough Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:196]
Flawed Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:235]
Pristine Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:272]
Fine Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:311]
Excellent Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:348]
Superb Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:387]
Flawless Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:424]
Exquisite Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:488]
Befouled Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:488]
Exotic Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:488]
Fantastic Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:488]
Glorious Infused Knotched Dagger
Tailoring [Trivial:488]
Immaculate Leather Mask Template

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