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Pristine Animal Pelt [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

Slots & Skill

everquest icon 1251
[Recommended Lvl: 59] [Required Lvl: 55]
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia
[a corrupted turepta (N)]
Kael Drakkel
[Armor of Zek (N)]
Plane of Mischief
[a theatre patron (N)]
Plane of Nightmare
[a hobgoblin (N)]
Plane of Valor
[A Lumbering Beast (N)]
Riwwi, Coliseum of Games
[a tortured hynid (N)]
Siren's Grotto
[an enthralled bulthar (N)]
Sunderock Springs
[a quarry slave (N)]
The Bloodfields
[a noc fleshletter (N)]
The Maiden's Eye
[an umbrous toiler (N)]
The Steppes
[a wolf (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Tailoring [Trivial:80]
Stripped Pelt
Tailoring [Trivial:110]
Tailored Pristine Belt Pouch
Tailoring [Trivial:110]
Tailored Pristine Tool Belt
Tailoring [Trivial:119]
Tailored Pristine Backpack
Tailoring [Trivial:119]
Tailored Pristine Haversack
Tailoring [Trivial:119]
Tailored Pristine Rucksack
Tailoring [Trivial:119]
Tailored Pristine Sack
Tailoring [Trivial:119]
Tailored Pristine Satchel
Tailoring [Trivial:130]
Tailored Pristine Bag
Tailoring [Trivial:130]
Tailored Pristine Pack
Tailoring [Trivial:234]
Pristine Leather Gorget Template
Tailoring [Trivial:234]
Pristine Leather Wristbands Template
Tailoring [Trivial:235]
Pristine Leather Mask Template
Tailoring [Trivial:236]
Pristine Leather Gloves Template
Tailoring [Trivial:239]
Pristine Leather Belt Template
Tailoring [Trivial:239]
Pristine Leather Skullcap Template
Tailoring [Trivial:240]
Pristine Leather Sleeves Template
Tailoring [Trivial:242]
Pristine Leather Boots Template
Tailoring [Trivial:244]
Pristine Leather Cloak Template
Tailoring [Trivial:244]
Pristine Leather Leggings Template
Tailoring [Trivial:250]
Pristine Leather Tunic Template

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