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Fine Steel Dagger [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]
[DMG: 3] [AtkDelay: 19] [Ratio: 0.16]
[Quest Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
[Wizard] [Warrior] [Shadowknight]
[Rogue] [Ranger] [Necromancer]
[Magician] [Enchanter] [Beastlord]

everquest icon 592
[Augment Slots: 4]
Additional Modifiers
[Backstab DMG: 3]
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Butcherblock Mountains
[a crazed goblin (N)]
No mobs in this zone
Crypt of Dalnir
[a coerced dwarf (female) (N)]
[a coerced dwarf (male) (N)]
coerced dwarves
coerced gnomes
Everfrost Peaks
[an ice giant (N)]
Grimling Forest
[a bandit (N)]
[a thief (N)]
[a thug (N)]
Karnor's Castle
[a drolvarg guardian (N)]
[a drolvarg sentry (N)]
drolvarg bodyguard
drolvarg sentry
Lake Rathetear
[a deepwater goblin (N)]
Lesser Faydark
[a deathly herald (N)]
Loping Plains
[a Bloodmoon mystic (N)]
Mob Graveyard
[freeporteast - Guard Hirazen (N)]
[freeporteast - Guard Nekropo (N)]
[freeporteast - Guard Nlool (N)]
[freeporteast - Guard Popal (N)]
[freeporteast - Guard Quallith (N)]
[freeporteast - Guard Ranlan (N)]
[freeporteast - Guard Topplo (N)]
[freeporteast - Guard Wytiffin (N)]
[freeporteast - Guard Xyxax (N)]
[freeporteast - Guard Yandellen (N)]
[freeporteast - Guard Zintrin (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Bonlo (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Corpillius (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Dungwatch (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Effel (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Hrakin (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Imillin (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Inofus (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Jacsen (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Jendl (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Ledshin (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Mizraen (N)]
[freeportwest - Guard Munden (N)]
[freeportwest- Guard Cozak (N)]
[Guard Bittmin (N)]
[Guard Drake (N)]
[steamfont - Watchman Halv (N)]
Mountains of Rathe
[a hill giant (N)]
North Kaladim
[Guard Doradek (N)]
North Karana
[a hill giant (N)]
Permafrost Keep
[an elite goblin guard (N)]
Plane of Sky
[Overseer of Air (N)]
South Kaladim
[Guard Cardaff (N)]
The Bloodfields
[Keetra the Lost (N)]
The Jaggedpine Forest
[Yranik Blackguard (N)]
Toxxulia Forest
[Fittorin Bladespur (N)]
West Karana
[a hill giant (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Magi Rune (Beza)
Smithing [Trivial:21]
Small Brick of High Quality Ore
Tailoring [Trivial:-1]
Boots of Concealed Blades
Tailoring [Trivial:-1]
Sleeves of Concealed Blades
Tailoring [Trivial:-1]
Tunic of Concealed Blades
Tailoring [Trivial:15]
Bracer of Concealed Blades
Tailoring [Trivial:15]
Coif of Concealed Blades
Tailoring [Trivial:15]
Gloves of Concealed Blades
Tailoring [Trivial:15]
Pants of Concealed Blades

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