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Ivory [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 1129
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Clan RunnyEye
[a goblin warlord (N)]
[a Dervish Thug (N)]
Crystal Caverns
a ry'gorr miner
[a Ry`Gorr miner (N)]
[a stalag terror (N)]
Everfrost Peaks
[an ice giant (N)]
Field of Bone
[Kerosh Blackhand (N)]
High Keep
[Dyrna Nlith (N)]
Innothule Swamp
[Basher Nkekta (N)]
Lake of Ill Omen
[a Sarnak conscript (N)]
Lavaspinner's Lair
[a Delve drake (N)]
Lesser Faydark
[Jayla Nybright (N)]
Mountains of Rathe
[a hill giant (N)]
South Kaladim
[Guard Anathur (N)]
South Karana
[aviak darter (N)]
Swamp of No Hope
[Weeping Mantrap (N)]
The Feerrott
[a gorilla (N)]
The Jaggedpine Forest
[A Poacher (N)]
[a poacher (N)]
[a willowisp (N)]
The Tenebrous Mountains
cral ligi
The Wakening Land
[a drixie thane (N)]
Warsliks Wood
[a skulking brute (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
SpellCast [Trivial:0]
Imbued Ivory

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