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Bundle of Night Shade [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 911
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Crescent Reach
[Alchemist Masika (M)]
Everfrost Peaks
[Hern Bearjumper (M)]
Innothule Swamp
[Murak (N)]
Katta Castellum
[Jokkum O`Koyle (M)]
Plane of Knowledge
[Johannes O`Danos (M)]
Shadow Haven
[Fearchar MacFuller (M)]
Shar Vahl
[Peigi (M)]
West Cabilis
[Klok Scaleleaf (M)]
West Freeport
[Oresan Kai (M)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Alchemy [Trivial:126]
Philter of the Swamp
Alchemy [Trivial:187]
Distillate Of Antidote Vi
Alchemy [Trivial:187]
Distillate of Regeneration VI
Alchemy [Trivial:231]
Distillate Of Antidote Vii
Alchemy [Trivial:231]
Distillate Of Regeneration Vii
Alchemy [Trivial:275]
Distillate of Antidote VIII
Alchemy [Trivial:275]
Distillate of Regeneration VIII
Alchemy [Trivial:275]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity III
Alchemy [Trivial:296]
Tonic of Toxin Affinity III
Alchemy [Trivial:311]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity IV
Alchemy [Trivial:319]
Distillate of Antidote IX
Alchemy [Trivial:319]
Distillate of Regeneration IX
Alchemy [Trivial:336]
Tonic of Toxin Affinity IV
Alchemy [Trivial:347]
Effusion of Saryrn X
Alchemy [Trivial:348]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:363]
Distillate of Antidote X
Alchemy [Trivial:363]
Distillate of Regeneration X
Alchemy [Trivial:376]
Tonic Of Toxin Affinity V
Alchemy [Trivial:387]
Effusion of Saryrn XI
Alchemy [Trivial:403]
Distillate of Antidote XI
Alchemy [Trivial:403]
Distillate of Regeneration XI
Alchemy [Trivial:420]
Tonic of Resonant Toxin XII
Alchemy [Trivial:427]
Effusion of Saryrn XII
Alchemy [Trivial:428]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity VI
Alchemy [Trivial:443]
Distillate of Antidote XII
Alchemy [Trivial:443]
Distillate of Regeneration XII
Alchemy [Trivial:456]
Tonic of Toxin Affinity VI
Alchemy [Trivial:460]
Tonic of Resonant Toxin XIII
Alchemy [Trivial:467]
Effusion of Saryrn XIII
Alchemy [Trivial:468]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity VII
Alchemy [Trivial:483]
Distillate of Antidote XIII
Alchemy [Trivial:483]
Distillate of Regeneration XIII
Alchemy [Trivial:496]
Tonic of Toxin Affinity VII
Alchemy [Trivial:500]
Perspicuous Remnant of Greed
Alchemy [Trivial:500]
Tonic of Resonant Toxin XIV
Alchemy [Trivial:506]
Tonic of Resonant Toxin XV
Alchemy [Trivial:507]
Effusion of Saryrn XIV
Alchemy [Trivial:508]
Recondite Soulbound Greaves
Alchemy [Trivial:508]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity VIII
Alchemy [Trivial:508]
Tonic of Resonant Toxin XVII
Alchemy [Trivial:512]
Effusion of Saryrn XV
Alchemy [Trivial:514]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity IX
Alchemy [Trivial:516]
Spell: Skin to Flora Rk. II
Alchemy [Trivial:516]
Tonic of Chromatic Affinity XI
Alchemy [Trivial:523]
Distillate of Antidote XIV
Alchemy [Trivial:523]
Distillate of Regeneration XIV
Alchemy [Trivial:528]
Distillate of Antidote XV
Alchemy [Trivial:528]
Distillate of Regeneration XV
Alchemy [Trivial:531]
Distillate of Antidote XVII
Alchemy [Trivial:531]
Distillate of Regeneration XVII
Alchemy [Trivial:531]
Obscure Remnant of Greed
Alchemy [Trivial:536]
Tonic of Toxin Affinity VIII
Alchemy [Trivial:542]
Tonic of Toxin Affinity IX
Alchemy [Trivial:544]
Tonic of Toxin Affinity XI

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