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Harmonagate [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 1506
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Corathus Lair: The Mines
[a corathus larva scrounger (N)]
Drunder, Fortress of Zek (Plane of Tactics)
[a Diaku Death Knight (N)]
Field of Scale
[a large blackbird (N)]
Gyrospire Zeka
[a steamwork worker (N)]
Nobles' Causeway
[a murkglider (N)]
Oceangreen Hills
[a poacher (N)]
Skyfire Mountains
[Servant of the Peak (N)]
Sunderock Springs
[a quarry slave (N)]
The Ascent: Signal Fires
[a Snowfoot signal warden (N)]
The Mechamatic Guardian: Solo Tasks
[a glob of dirty grease (N)]
[a steamwork blaster (N)]
Torden, the Bastion of Thunder
[A jord profet (N)]
[a veteran (N)]
Velketor's Labyrinth
[Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar (N)]
Zhisza: Confront Emperor Vaakiszh
[a Shissar deathcaller (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Jewelcraft [Trivial:412]
Square Cut Harmonagate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:415]
Trilion Cut Harmonagate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:418]
Half-Moon Cut Harmonagate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:420]
Oval Cut Harmonagate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:423]
Pear Cut Harmonagate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:426]
Marquise Cut Harmonagate
Jewelcraft [Trivial:428]
Round Cut Harmonagate

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