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Last Blood [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[No Drop] [Lore Item] [Magic Item]
[Quest Item] [Augmentation] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
[All Classes]
[Restrictions:Armor Only]

everquest icon 1479
[Augment Slots: 12] [Use Distiller Class: XVIII]
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Skylance: Daosheen the Firstborn
[Daosheen the Firstborn (R)]
The Root of Ro: Lair of Suchun
[an ancient chest (N)]
Tunare's Shrine: The Corruption of Ro
[Guardian of the High Priest (R)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Advisor
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Arcanist
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Archer
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Assassin
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Berserker
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Champion
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Chancellor
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Cryomancer
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Cutpurse
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Duelist
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Foot Soldier
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Healer
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Magus
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Mariner
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Master
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Oracle
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Plague Bringer
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Pyromancer
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Seafarer
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Traveler
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Warchief
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Last Blood of the Warmonger

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