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Quill of the Maestro [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Magic Item] [Crafted Item] [Tradeskill]
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[Wizard] [Necromancer] [Magician]

everquest icon 755
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
Research [Trivial:74]
Song: Selo's Rhythm of Speed
Research [Trivial:114]
Song: Rizlona's Embers
Research [Trivial:152]
Song: Rizlona's Fire
Research [Trivial:174]
Spell: Aura of Insight
Research [Trivial:223]
Song: Fufil's Diminishing Dirge
Research [Trivial:231]
Song: Saryrn's Scream of Pain
Research [Trivial:231]
Song: Silent Song of Quellious
Research [Trivial:231]
Song: Tuyen's Chant of the Plague
Research [Trivial:262]
Song: Dreams of Thule
Research [Trivial:262]
Song: Druzzil's Disillusionment
Research [Trivial:262]
Song: Melody of Mischief
Research [Trivial:262]
Song: Warsong of Zek
Research [Trivial:262]
Song: Wind of Marr
Research [Trivial:292]
Song: Psalm of Veeshan
Research [Trivial:292]
Song: Tuyen's Chant of Ice
Research [Trivial:292]
Song: Tuyen's Chant of Venom
Research [Trivial:322]
Song: Call of the Banshee
Research [Trivial:322]
Song: Chorus of Marr
Research [Trivial:322]
Song: Dreams of Terris
Research [Trivial:322]
Song: Requiem of Time
Research [Trivial:322]
Song: Rizlona's Call of Flame
Research [Trivial:351]
Song: Call of the Muse
Research [Trivial:351]
Song: Dark Echo
Research [Trivial:351]
Song: Echo of the Trusik
Research [Trivial:351]
Song: Harmony of Sound
Research [Trivial:351]
Song: Lullaby of Morell
Research [Trivial:351]
Song: Tuyen's Chant of Fire
Research [Trivial:351]
Song: War March of the Mastruq
Research [Trivial:352]
Song: Call of the Muse
Research [Trivial:354]
Skill: Dance of a Thousand Blades
Research [Trivial:356]
Spell: Creeping Dreams
Research [Trivial:360]
Spell: Bellow of Chaos
Research [Trivial:360]
Spell: Luvwen's Aria of Serenity
Research [Trivial:360]
Spell: Vulka's Chant of Disease
Research [Trivial:362]
Spell: Vulka's Chant of Disease
Research [Trivial:366]
Spell: Storm Blade
Research [Trivial:372]
Spell: Angstlich's Wail of Panic
Research [Trivial:372]
Spell: Luvwen's Lullaby
Research [Trivial:374]
Spell: Arcane Aria
Research [Trivial:374]
Spell: Aura of the Muse
Research [Trivial:374]
Spell: Cantata of Life
Research [Trivial:374]
Spell: Vulka's Chant of Frost
Research [Trivial:380]
Song: Whispersong of Veshma Rk. II
Research [Trivial:382]
Song: Erollisi's Cantata Rk. II
Research [Trivial:383]
Spell: Dirge of Metala
Research [Trivial:384]
Spell: Vulka's Chant of Poison
Research [Trivial:384]
Spell: Yelhun's Mystic Call
Research [Trivial:387]
Spell: War March of Muram
Research [Trivial:391]
Song: Song of the Dryads Rk. II
Research [Trivial:395]
Spell: Chorus of Life
Research [Trivial:396]
Spell: Verse of Vesagran
Research [Trivial:398]
Song: Erollisi's Chorus Rk. II
Research [Trivial:398]
Spell: Eriki's Psalm of Power
Research [Trivial:404]
Song: Beckon of the Tuffein Rk. II
Research [Trivial:404]
Spell: Voice of the Vampire
Research [Trivial:404]
Spell: Vulka's Lullaby
Research [Trivial:406]
Spell: Vulka's Chant of Flame
Research [Trivial:412]
Song: Staccato Cadence Rk. II
Research [Trivial:412]
Song: Staccato Rhythms Rk. II
Research [Trivial:432]
Song: Amber's Last Lullaby Rk. II
Research [Trivial:432]
Song: Aria of the Artist Rk. II
Research [Trivial:432]
Song: Aria of the Poet Rk.II
Research [Trivial:432]
Song: Cantata of Rodcet Rk.II
Research [Trivial:432]
Song: Elddar's Dawnsong Rk. II
Research [Trivial:432]
Song: Serenity of Oceangreen Rk.II
Research [Trivial:432]
Song: Silence of the Void Rk.II
Research [Trivial:436]
Song: Dirge of the Darkvine Rk. II
Research [Trivial:436]
Song: Pulse of Rodcet Rk.II
Research [Trivial:436]
Song: Rhythm of Restoration Rk. II
Research [Trivial:440]
On Quivering
Research [Trivial:440]
Song: Chorus of Restoration Rk. II
Research [Trivial:440]
Song: Chorus of Rodcet Rk.II
Research [Trivial:440]
Song: Dance of the Dragorn Rk.II
Research [Trivial:440]
Song: Talendor's Aria Rk.II
Research [Trivial:444]
Recondite Manafiber Gloves
Research [Trivial:444]
Song: Slumber of Sionachie Rk. II
Research [Trivial:444]
Song: Voice of Sionachie Rk. II
Research [Trivial:444]
Song: War March of Dagda Rk. II
Research [Trivial:444]
Song: War March of Meldrath Rk. II
Research [Trivial:444]
Song: Yowl of the Bloodmoon Rk. II
Research [Trivial:450]
Song: Arcane Anthem Rk. II
Research [Trivial:450]
Song: Arcane Chorus Rk. II
Research [Trivial:450]
Song: Aura of the Artist Rk. II

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