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Fine Steel Two Handed Sword [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]
[DMG: 12] [AtkDelay: 43] [Ratio: 0.28]
Slots & Skill
[2H Slashing] [PRIMARY]
[Warrior] [Shadowknight] [Ranger]
[Paladin] [Berserker]

everquest icon 519
[Augment Slots: 4]
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Castle Mistmoore
No mobs in this zone
Crypt of Dalnir
[a kly cohort (N)]
East Freeport
[Sir Edwin Motte (N)]
East Karana
[Sir Edwin Motte (N)]
Field of Scale
[a Sarnak conscript (N)]
Goru`kar Mesa
[Legate Cletus (N)]
Highpass Hold
[Sir Edwin Motte (N)]
Kithicor Forest
[Skeleton Trooper (N)]
Kurn's Tower
[an undead jester (N)]
Loping Plains
[a Bloodmoon mystic (N)]
North Freeport
[Sir Willam (N)]
North Karana
[a hill giant (N)]
Ocean of Tears
[Gornit (N)]
Oceangreen Village
[a Bertoxxulian cultist (N)]
Permafrost Keep
[an elite goblin guard (N)]
Qeynos Hills
[Sir Edwin Motte (N)]
Solusek's Eye (Solusek A)
No mobs in this zone
South Karana
[a Rosch Val Gnoll (N)]
South Qeynos
[Eracon Krengon (N)]
South Ro
[a sand giant (N)]
The Overthere
[General V`Deers (N)]
West Karana
[Ulrich McMannus (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Smithing [Trivial:21]
Small Brick of High Quality Ore
Smithing [Trivial:21]
Small Piece of High Quality Ore

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