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Snake Scales [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 813
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Butcherblock Mountains
[a snake (N)]
Deadbone Reef: Pirate Stew
[a gali balalaa (N)]
[a gali balalaagal (N)]
Deadbone Reef: Shipping Lanes
[a gali balalaa (N)]
[a gali balalaagal (N)]
Deadbone Reef: The Drowned Dead
[a gali balalaa (N)]
[a gali balalaagal (N)]
Dragonscale Hills
[a dragonscale viper (N)]
Erud's Crossing
[a kerra snake (N)]
Field of Bone
[Klok Acet (M)]
Fungus Grove
[Samfort Ruggen (M)]
Kithicor Forest
[a moss snake (N)]
Lake of Ill Omen
[Klok Gnask (M)]
Monkey Rock: A Volatile Disease
[a malaised python (N)]
[an infected python (N)]
Monkey Rock: An Experiment Gone Wrong
[a malaised python (N)]
[an infected python (N)]
Monkey Rock: Cleansing the Island
[a malaised python (N)]
[an infected python (N)]
Monkey Rock: Long Abandoned
[a malaised python (N)]
[an infected python (N)]
Monkey Rock: The Wild Island
[a malaised python (N)]
[an infected python (N)]
Nektulos Forest
[a moss snake (N)]
North Qeynos
[a snake (N)]
North Ro
[a moss snake (N)]
Ocean of Tears
[Allizewsaur (N)]
[Hrak (M)]
Plane of Tranquility
[Parija Kalamir (M)]
Qeynos Catacombs
[a green snake (N)]
[a snake (N)]
[Cuburt (N)]
rock snakes
Qeynos Hills
[a snake (N)]
Shadow Haven
[Herol Beaufodal (M)]
South Ro
[a moss snake (N)]
Swamp of No Hope
[Klok Migo (M)]
The Steppes
[a crowned mamba (N)]
West Freeport
[a snake (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Craftkeepers Gloves Material
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Dark Basher's Bracer Material
Brewing [Trivial:21]
Bog Juice
Tailoring [Trivial:282]
Muramite Leather Padding

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