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Small Plate Visor Mold [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 1151
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Abysmal Sea
[Cevroy Sharpaxe (M)]
Crescent Reach
[Smith Nkosi (M)]
East Freeport
[Ilanon Untitia (M)]
Neriak Commons
[Trista N`Ryt (M)]
Neriak Third Gate
[Krystiana N`Ryt (N)]
North Kaladim
[Tortuk Everhot (M)]
Plane of Knowledge
[Wegal Darkanvil (M)]
Sanctus Seru
[Aerik Redember (M)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Smithing [Trivial:163]
Dwarven Plate Visor
Smithing [Trivial:163]
Small Fine Plate Visor
Smithing [Trivial:168]
Dwarven Plate Visor
Smithing [Trivial:175]
Teir`Dal Adamantite Visor
Smithing [Trivial:190]
Enchanted Dwarven Plate Visor
Smithing [Trivial:190]
Teir`Dal Adamantite Visor
Smithing [Trivial:191]
Small Calcified Steel Visor
Smithing [Trivial:191]
Small Deep Cavern Steel Visor
Smithing [Trivial:191]
Small Frosted Steel Visor
Smithing [Trivial:191]
Small Gothic Steel Visor
Smithing [Trivial:191]
Small Sandblasted Steel Visor
Smithing [Trivial:216]
Small Acrylia Plate Visor
Smithing [Trivial:250]
Brellium Platemail Visor
Smithing [Trivial:250]
Mischievous Platemail Visor
Smithing [Trivial:335]
Dark Prince Regent Visor

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