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Fish Scales [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Crafted Item]
Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 799
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
[a razorgill (N)]
BlackBurrow: Reinforced BlackBurrow
[a razorgill (N)]
Blightfire Moors
No mobs in this zone
Butcherblock Mountains
No mobs in this zone
Cobalt Scar
No mobs in this zone
Corathus Creep
No mobs in this zone
Dagnor's Cauldron
No mobs in this zone
Emerald Jungle
No mobs in this zone
Erud's Crossing
[a fish (N)]
[a fish (N)]
Estate Of Unrest
No mobs in this zone
Gulf of Gunthak
[Muxzog Gradok (M)]
Kael Drakkel
[Ymik (M)]
Kerra Isle
[Melixis (M)]
Lake Rathetear
[a fish (N)]
Nektulos Forest
[a large piranha (N)]
Neriak Commons
[a fish (N)]
[Hrak (M)]
Qeynos Catacombs
[a fish (N)]
[a large piranha (N)]
Shadow Haven
[Hintol Balkortak (M)]
Surefall Glade
[a fish (N)]
Thalassius, the Coral Keep
[a sea dredger (N)]
Thalassius: Locating the Statue
[a Hraquis grunt (N)]
[a Hraquis seer (N)]
The Buried Sea
[Sharpnose (N)]
The Feerrott
[a large piranha (N)]
Toxxulia Forest
[a fish (N)]
[Cyria Lorewhisper (M)]
Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands
No mobs in this zone
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Ordained Helm Material
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Protector's Armguards Material

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