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Phosphorous Powder [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 1075
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Doomfire, the Burning Lands
[a chaos healer of flame (N)]
[a chaplain of fire (N)]
[a dark magus of flame (N)]
[a defender of fire (N)]
[a diviner of fire (N)]
[a doomfire chaosfiend (N)]
[a doomfire chaplain (N)]
[a doomfire charmer (N)]
[a doomfire darkfiend (N)]
[a doomfire protector (N)]
[a doomfire ragefiend (N)]
[a doomfire sentry (N)]
[a doomfire soldier (N)]
[a doomfire watcher (N)]
[a doomfire wizard (N)]
[a fiery spirit equine (N)]
[a fiery spirit equine lord (N)]
[a fiery spirit steed (N)]
[a fiery steed (N)]
[a flame lord (N)]
[a flame lordling (N)]
[a giant obsidian lava spider (N)]
[a giant obsidian tree spider (N)]
[a great flame lord (N)]
[a greater flame lord (N)]
[a jopal flame guardian (N)]
[a magus of fire (N)]
[a rage reaver of flame (N)]
[a soldier of fire (N)]
[a trained obsidian spider (N)]
[an obsidian lava spider (N)]
[an obsidian tree spider (N)]
[an obsidian tree spiderling (N)]
[Arch Mage Yozanni (R)]
[Azobian the Darklord (R)]
[Blazzax the Omnifiend (R)]
[Chancellor Kirta (R)]
[Chancellor Traxom (R)]
[Criare Sunmane (R)]
[General Druav Flamesinger (R)]
[General Reparm (R)]
[Jaxoliz Dawneyes (R)]
[Obsidian Tree Spider Queen (N)]
[Obsidian War Spider (N)]
[Quavonis Firetail (R)]
[The Fabled Omni Magus Crato (N)]
[Vicar of Fire (N)]
Miragul's Menagerie
[a boney custodian (N)]
[a confused miscreation (N)]
[a cruel magic squall (N)]
[a Frostfoot magus (N)]
a frostfoot priest
[a Frostfoot primalist (N)]
[a Frostfoot soldier (N)]
a frostfoot wizard
a heedless tormentor
a senseless oddity
a sentient mass of flesh
[a singing malformation (N)]
[a skeletal apprentice (N)]
[A Smashing Ice Brute (N)]
An Incomplete Amalgam
[Cognizant Coalescence (N)]
[Demented Amalgam (N)]
Miragul's Menagerie: Frozen Nightmare
[a slippery sludge (N)]
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Asylum of Invoked Stone
[Kel`Novar Lookout (N)]
Skyfire Mountains
[a wurm (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Make Poison [Trivial:231]
Bixie Sting
Make Poison [Trivial:322]
Bite of the Shissar
Make Poison [Trivial:322]
Scoriae Bite

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