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Rune of Al'Kabor [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 967
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Clan RunnyEye
[a Pickclaw Foeslicer (N)]
Crystal Caverns
[a stalag terror (N)]
Dulak's Harbor
[a Broken Skull scout (N)]
Estate Of Unrest
[a carrion ghoul (N)]
Field of Bone
[an iksar manslayer (N)]
Frontier Mountains
[a burynai digmaster (N)]
Great Divide
[Shardtooth (N)]
Lesser Faydark
[orc chief (N)]
Paludal Caverns
No mobs in this zone
Ruins of Old Paineel (The Hole)
[a massive construct (N)]
[an elemental warrior (N)]
South Karana
[aviak rook (N)]
Swamp of No Hope
[an iksar manslayer (N)]
The Jaggedpine Forest
[a willowisp (N)]
The Overthere
[a Sarnak flunkie (N)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Baking [Trivial:0]
Celestial Essence
Research [Trivial:41]
Spell: Fire Spiral of Al'Kabor
Research [Trivial:95]
Spell: Shock Spiral of Al'Kabor
Research [Trivial:142]
Spell: Force Spiral of Al'Kabor

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