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Steel Casing [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Magic Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
[Wizard] [Warrior] [Shaman]
[Shadowknight] [Rogue] [Ranger]
[Paladin] [Necromancer] [Monk]
[Magician] [Enchanter] [Druid]
[Cleric] [Beastlord] [Bard]

everquest icon 1239
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Plane of Innovation
[Nitram Anizok (M)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Tinkering [Trivial:151]
Base Prototype
Tinkering [Trivial:200]
Class V Roboboar Upgrade Device
Tinkering [Trivial:202]
Ambiguous Soulbound Vambraces
Tinkering [Trivial:202]
Clockwork Fortune Teller
Tinkering [Trivial:210]
Portable Brewbarrel
Tinkering [Trivial:210]
Portable Forge
Tinkering [Trivial:210]
Portable Kiln
Tinkering [Trivial:210]
Portable Oven
Tinkering [Trivial:210]
Portable Potterywheel
Tinkering [Trivial:214]
Class II Roboboar Upgrade Device
Tinkering [Trivial:227]
Class III Roboboar Upgrade Device
Tinkering [Trivial:240]
Class IV Roboboar Upgrade Device
Tinkering [Trivial:315]
Gnomish Escape Rocket
Tinkering [Trivial:322]
Clockwork Automaton
Tinkering [Trivial:335]
Ambiguous Soulbound Greaves
Tinkering [Trivial:335]
Gnomish Handcannon
Tinkering [Trivial:368]
Goo Gun

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