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Roots [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

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everquest icon 583
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Arcstone, Isle of Spirits
No mobs in this zone
Blackfeather Roost
No mobs in this zone
Blightfire Moors
No mobs in this zone
Bloodmoon Keep
No mobs in this zone
Butcherblock Mountains
No mobs in this zone
No mobs in this zone
Corathus Creep
No mobs in this zone
Crescent Reach
No mobs in this zone
Dagnor's Cauldron
No mobs in this zone
Dranik's Scar
No mobs in this zone
Estate Of Unrest
No mobs in this zone
Field of Bone
No mobs in this zone
Firiona Vie
No mobs in this zone
Fortress Mechanotus
No mobs in this zone
Goru`kar Mesa
No mobs in this zone
Greater Faydark
No mobs in this zone
Guild Hall
No mobs in this zone
Gulf of Gunthak
No mobs in this zone
No mobs in this zone
Halls of Honor
No mobs in this zone
Lavastorm Mountains
No mobs in this zone
Lesser Faydark
No mobs in this zone
Misty Thicket
No mobs in this zone
Nobles' Causeway
No mobs in this zone
North Freeport
No mobs in this zone
North Ro
No mobs in this zone
Oasis of Marr
No mobs in this zone
Plane of Innovation
No mobs in this zone
Plane of Knowledge
No mobs in this zone
Plane of Nightmare
No mobs in this zone
Sewers of Dranik
No mobs in this zone
Sewers of Dranik A
No mobs in this zone
Shadow Haven
No mobs in this zone
No mobs in this zone
Solusek Ro's Tower
No mobs in this zone
South Qeynos
No mobs in this zone
Stillmoon Temple
No mobs in this zone
The Accursed Nest
No mobs in this zone
The Ascent
No mobs in this zone
The Broodlands
No mobs in this zone
The Forgotten Halls
No mobs in this zone
The Ruined City of Dranik
No mobs in this zone
The Scarlet Desert
No mobs in this zone
Thundercrest Isles
No mobs in this zone
Tirranun's Delve
No mobs in this zone
Wall of Slaughter
No mobs in this zone
West Karana
No mobs in this zone
This item can be used in tradeskills
Brewing [Trivial:31]
Stormguard Root Beer
Fishing [Trivial:171]
Fish Bones
Fishing [Trivial:171]
Green Gill Bones
Fishing [Trivial:171]
Prepared Fish
Fishing [Trivial:171]
Prepared Green Gill
Fishing [Trivial:171]
Prepared Thunder Salmon
Fishing [Trivial:171]
Thunder Salmon Bones
Fishing [Trivial:182]
High Quality Fish Bones
Fishing [Trivial:182]
Kunzar Bones
Fishing [Trivial:182]
Nightmare Cichlid Bones
Fishing [Trivial:182]
Prepared Fish
Fishing [Trivial:182]
Prepared Weary Wrass

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