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Wine Yeast [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 539
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Butcherblock Mountains
[Inudul Dumirgun (M)]
Crescent Reach
[Brewmaster Ishaq (M)]
East Cabilis
[Brewer Prixal (M)]
Firiona Vie
[Frothy (M)]
Goru`kar Mesa
[Liviu (M)]
[Gartonka (M)]
Gukta, Outpost of Marr
[Zok Crikk (M)]
Katta Castellum
[Gaerok Rednose (M)]
Neriak Foreign Quarter
[Wiska (M)]
Northern Felwithe
[Feraniel Leafsway (M)]
South Kaladim
[Hanamaf Darkfoam (M)]
South Qeynos
[Heidi Grainsifter (M)]
[Tobart Dirkins (M)]
West Karana
[Cleet Miller (M)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
No Skill/No Fail [Trivial:0]
Ordained Armguards Material
Brewing [Trivial:-1]
Dreamer's Bliss
Brewing [Trivial:68]
Gypsy Wine
Brewing [Trivial:82]
White Wine
Brewing [Trivial:95]
Red Wine
Brewing [Trivial:115]
Elven Wine
Brewing [Trivial:135]
Cristov's Finest Red Wine
Brewing [Trivial:148]
Argath Brandy
Brewing [Trivial:148]
Emerald Orange Schnapps
Brewing [Trivial:148]
Faydwer Schnapps
Brewing [Trivial:148]
Inchoate Plate Bracer
Brewing [Trivial:202]
A Bottle of Aged Bloodwine
Brewing [Trivial:202]
A Bottle of Darkened Fungus Wine
Brewing [Trivial:202]
A Bottle of Iced White Wine
Brewing [Trivial:228]
A Bottle of Aldo's Dead Frog Wine
Brewing [Trivial:228]
A Bottle of Bloodroot Wine
Brewing [Trivial:228]
A Bottle of Worm Wine
Brewing [Trivial:250]
Demi-Sec Champagne
Brewing [Trivial:250]
Sec Champagne
Brewing [Trivial:282]
Fish Fungus Wine
Brewing [Trivial:335]
Brut Champagne
Brewing [Trivial:442]
Dreamer's Bliss

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