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Idol Sketch [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

Slots & Skill
[All Classes]

everquest icon 861
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Butcherblock Mountains
[Izbal Brightblaze (M)]
[Merra Clayfinger (M)]
Crescent Reach
[Potter Subira (M)]
East Cabilis
[Klok Grots (M)]
[Klok Hoga (M)]
[Vynugga (M)]
Gukta, Outpost of Marr
[Zok Folis (M)]
[Zok Giisip (M)]
Misty Thicket
[Topper Drodo (M)]
Neriak Foreign Quarter
Chon Chon
Neriak Third Gate
Petra D`Dbth
Northern Felwithe
[Alladria Skyetcher (M)]
[Marta Claytoe (M)]
South Kaladim
[Dooni (M)]
Stonebrunt Mountains
[Jaimiou Claypaws (M)]
The Overthere
[Tin Merchant VI (M)]
[Brina Snowfox (M)]
West Karana
[Tarnar (M)]
This item can be used in tradeskills
Pottery [Trivial:242]
Unfired Idol (Idol Of Karana)
Pottery [Trivial:242]
Unfired Idol of Tunare
Pottery [Trivial:248]
Unfired Idol (Idol Of Rallos Zek)
Pottery [Trivial:250]
Unfired Idol (Idol Of Innoruuk)
Pottery [Trivial:250]
Unfired Idol (Idol Of Prexus)
Pottery [Trivial:250]
Unfired Idol (Idol Of Quellious)
Pottery [Trivial:250]
Unfired Idol (Idol Of Solusek Ro)
Pottery [Trivial:252]
Unfired Idol (Idol Of Quellious)
Pottery [Trivial:252]
Unfired Idol of Quellious
Pottery [Trivial:282]
Unfired Idol (Idol Of Tunare)
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of Courage
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of Decay
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of Deep Musing
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of Fear
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of Hate
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of Life
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of Mischief
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of Nature
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of Spite
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of the Learned
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of Thunder
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Faithstone of Underfoot
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Bertoxxulous
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Brell Serilis
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Bristlebane
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Cazic Thule
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Erollisi Marr
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Innoruuk
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Karana
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Mithaniel Marr
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Prexus
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Rallos Zek
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Rodcet Nife
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of Solusek Ro
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Idol of the Tribunal
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Soulstone of Gukta
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Spiritstone of Cabilis
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Spiritstone of Everfrost
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Spiritstone of Innothule
Pottery [Trivial:335]
Unfired Spiritstone of Shar Vahl

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