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Celestial Temper [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Crafted Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill

everquest icon 1160
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
Smithing [Trivial:51]
Folded Sheet of Infused Mithril
Smithing [Trivial:51]
Infused Mithril Rings
Smithing [Trivial:53]
Folded Sheet of Infused Acrylia
Smithing [Trivial:53]
Folded Sheet of Infused Brellium
Smithing [Trivial:53]
Folded Sheet of Infused Skyiron
Smithing [Trivial:53]
Infused Adamantite Rings
Smithing [Trivial:53]
Infused Brellium Rings
Smithing [Trivial:53]
Infused High Quality Rings
Smithing [Trivial:53]
Infused Medium Quality Rings
Smithing [Trivial:61]
Infused Medium Quality Boning
Smithing [Trivial:62]
Infused Vale Steelweave
Smithing [Trivial:111]
Infused Mithril Chainweave
Smithing [Trivial:112]
Infused Vale Boning
Smithing [Trivial:120]
Infused Mithril Boning
Smithing [Trivial:142]
Infused Platinum Thread
Smithing [Trivial:144]
Sheet of Oggok Adamantite
Smithing [Trivial:146]
Mithril Alloy Rod
Smithing [Trivial:146]
Steel Alloy Rod
Smithing [Trivial:155]
Infused Vale Chainweave
Smithing [Trivial:173]
Folded Sheet of Oggok Adamantite
Smithing [Trivial:252]
Poxysmit's Hole Punch
Tailoring [Trivial:48]
Infused Terrorantula Silk
Tinkering [Trivial:191]
Infused Gears

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