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Distilled Grade B Choresine Sample [Allakhazam] [Lucy] [EqTraders]

[Quest Item] [Tradeskill]
Slots & Skill

everquest icon 1159
[Required Lvl: 95]
Zones & Drops [M=Merchant, R=Raid Encounter, N=Normal Groupable Mob]
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
[Toxicologist Salvet (M)]
Valley of Lunanyn
[Overgrown Dung Beetle (N)]
This item can be obtained by combining any of next recipes. (Component details-->B=Bought, C=Crafted, L=Looted)
This item can be used in tradeskills
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Alaran Appetizer Platter
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Alaris Gemstone
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Crystalwing Ore
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Crystalwing Steel Thread
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Feir'Dal Mithril
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Fortified Bronze
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Fortified Bronze Thread
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Iron
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Iron Thread
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Koada'Dal Mithril
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Koada'Dal Mithril Thread
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Mercurium
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Mercurium Thread
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Northman Ore
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Northman Steel Thread
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Rilsteel
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Rilsteel Thread
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Skyiron
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Skyiron Thread
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Titanium
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Titanium Thread
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Valorite
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Glossy Valorite Thread
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Oseka's Messenger
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Oval Cut Alaris Gemstone (Alaran)
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Pear Cut Alaris Gemstone (Alaran)
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Raxil Fish
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Aegis of Xadrith Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Bark of Tashan Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Befuddle Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Cascading Hail Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Color Conflux Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Dermal Brimstone Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Docility Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Ensorcelling Wave Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Hushed Mind Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Polychaotic Assault Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Polychaotic Rune Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Prescience Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Seduction Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: Smother Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Spell: The Downward Spiral Rk. II
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Veiled Chest Seal
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Veiled Glove Seal
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Veiled Helm Seal
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Veiled Legging Seal
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Veiled Sleeve Seal
Pottery [Trivial:503]
Veiled Wrist Seal

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